

我有一个便携式类库,需要接触到特定于平台的API来发送HTTP请求作出的API。下面是我写的做的WinRT的HTTP POST方法:

I have an API made in a portable class library which needs to reach out to platform specific APIs for sending HTTP requests. Here is the method I wrote to do an HTTP POST on WinRT:

   public bool Post(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> headers, string data)
        bool success = false;
        HttpClient client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler {AllowAutoRedirect = false});
        foreach (var header in headers)
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(header.Key, header.Value);

            var task=client.PostAsync(endpoint, new StringContent(data, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml")).ContinueWith( postTask =>
                            postTask.Wait(client.Timeout); //Don't wait longer than the client timeout.
                            success = postTask.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode;
                        }catch {}
                    }, TaskContinuationOptions.LongRunning);

            success = false;

        return success;


This exhibits an interesting problem though when put under any kind of stress though. It appears to deadlock internally. Like if I create 5 threads and send POST requests out of them, this method will get to where it will do nothing but timeout. Content never reaches the server, and the .Continue code is never executed. However, if I run it serially or maybe even with 2 or 3 threads it will work OK. It seems that the more threads thrown at it though make the performance exponentially worse


Exactly what am I doing wrong here?



I don't think this is where you problem is but it could be and it's really easy to implement and test it out. By default Windows sets the Max Network connections to 2 and with more than 2 threads you could be locking on the connection pool. You can add this to your app config

    <add address="*" maxconnection="300" />


or in code you can do this

ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 300


I'd also consider commenting out the wait in the continue with. I don't think it's necessary.

    //Comment this line out your handling it in the outside task already
    //postTask.Wait(client.Timeout); //Don't wait longer than the client timeout.
    success = postTask.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode;
 }catch {}


And finally if the 2 things above don't work I'd try commenting out the this code.


这可能是Task.Wait加设置Task.ConfigureAwait(假)会引起一些组合一种僵局,但我为什么没有专家。我只知道,我有一个运行一些非常相似的代码多线程就好了,我没有Task.ConfigureAwait(假)在我的代码,主要是因为我尝试了HttpClient库,但没有升级到.NET 4.5所以等待是不可用的。

It could be that the combination of Task.Wait plus setting Task.ConfigureAwait(false) is causing some kind of deadlock but I'm no expert on why. I just know that I have some really similar code that runs multi-threaded just fine and I don't have Task.ConfigureAwait(false) in my code, mostly because I tried out the HttpClient library but didn't upgrade to .NET 4.5 so await isn't available.


10-28 10:44