


I am trying to "hook" in to the messages of a window to detect a minimize/maximize. I've looked around, and think that the only/best solution to do this, is to hook into the messages of a window, and check for the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message, and then check it's status.


System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource source = System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.FromHwnd(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad")[0].MainWindowHandle);
System.Windows.Interop.HwndSourceHook hook = new System.Windows.Interop.HwndSourceHook(WndProc);

它将给我一个未将对象引用设置为对象实例的信息."关于"source.AddHook ..."的错误.当进行断点操作时,也很清楚源变量为null.换句话说:它无法在第一行上获取HwndSource.

It will give me a "Object refrence not set to the instance of an object." error on "source.AddHook...". When breakpointing, it also becomes clear that the source variable is null. In other words: It fails to get the HwndSource on the first line.


I know that it's possible by using an "WindowInteropHelper", but that is when you have the actual window as a Windows.Window available, but in my situation I do not.


Any workarounds/solutions would be very much appreciated,
René Sackers




HwndSource and HwndSourceHook don't do what you are thinking. They only exist for interop between WPF and standard Win32 windows - in the same process. They can't be used for hooking the window procedure of a window in a different process.


HwndSource.FromHwnd() doesn't create a new HwndSource object it "Returns the HwndSource object of the specified window." If the hWnd doesn't have one it associated, FromHwnd() will return null. It would be like calling System.Windows.Forms.Control.FromHandle on the hWnd from notepad - which would return null as well since the notepad window isn't a WinForms control.

挂钩另一个进程的窗口过程的方法是使用 SetWindowsHookEx .为了挂接另一个进程,必须使用C或C ++编写代码.

The way to hook another process's window procedure is to use SetWindowsHookEx. And for to hook another process, the code has to be written in C or C++.
