


I am preparing for some coding interviews and came up with a solution to the following problem:


"Find longest word that can be made of other words in a list of words".


I have a hard time figuring out the time complexity of my algorithm. It would be great, if you can help me to figure out the time complexity of the following code.

它大于(用于排序的n⋅log nnumber_of_words ⋅ word_length + recursion),但由于递归部分,不确定如何计算确切的复杂度.

It is more than (n⋅log n for sorting, number_of_words ⋅ word_length + recursion), but not sure how to calculate the exact complexity due to recursion part.

def valid_pair(a,b, words):
    return  a in words and b in words

def valid_word(word, words):
    for i in range(len(word)):
        left, right = word[:i], word[i:]
        valid =  valid_pair(left, right, words)
        if valid:
            return valid
        elif left in words:
            return valid_word(right, words)

    return False

words = ["cde","abcde","bcd","c","d","e","a"]

words = sorted(words, key = len, reverse = True)
for w in words:
    if valid_word(w, words):
        print w



Let n be the number of words in the list and m the length of the longest word.


The for-loop iterates over the words until valid_word returns true. The worst case would be, that non of the words can be concatenated from other words in the list. So this gives you a factor n.

valid_word遍历单词中的所有字符并调用valid_pair,其复杂度为O(f),其中f = f(n,m)in运算符的复杂度. (我不知道它是如何实现的).如果对于每个字符leftwords中,但right不在valid_word中,则valid_word被递归调用m次,得出以下公式:

valid_word iterates over all characters in a word and calls valid_pair which has the complexity O(f), where f = f(n,m) is the complexity of the in operator. (I don't know, how it is implemented). If for every character left is in words, but right is not, valid_word is called recursively m times, resulting in this formula:

T(m) = f + Σ T(m-i) < f + (m-1) ⋅ T(m-1) < m!⋅f 


So valid_word is in O(m!⋅f(n,m)) (this can be improved).

总体复杂度为O(n⋅m!⋅f(n,m) + n⋅log(n)).这是一个上限,因此也许可以通过显示不可能有一个强制算法执行所有步骤的输入来改善这一点.

The over all complexity is O(n⋅m!⋅f(n,m) + n⋅log(n)). This is an upper bound, so maybe you can improve this, by showing that it is not possible to have an input that forces the algorithm to do all the steps.


But think of an input like this (withe spaces are only for better readability)

words = ['ab ac ad ae','ab ac ad af', ... , 'ab ac ad az',
         'ab ac ad', 'ab ac', 'ab']


Non of these words can be concatenated from the others, but the algorithm has to try many combinations. This examples can be improved and extended.


10-28 18:34