


I am having trouble understanding how NSUndoManager captures values when the values are reference types. Whenever try to use the undoManager, the values don't undo.

注意:我需要支持macOS 10.10,并且我正在使用Swift 3和XCode 8

Note: I need to support macOS 10.10, and I am using Swift 3 and XCode 8


Here I save the state of the ID numbers, reset them all to -1, and then try to undo. The result is that they are all still -1.

import Cocoa

class Person: NSObject {
    var id: ID 
    init(withIDNumber idNumber: Int) {
        self.id = ID(idNumber)

class ID: NSObject {
    var number: Int
    init(_ number: Int) {
        self.number = number

ViewController... {

    @IBAction func setIDsToNegative1(_ sender: NSButton) {
        var savedIDs: [ID] = []
        for person in people {

        undoManager?.registerUndo(withTarget: self, selector:#selector(undo(savedIDs:)), object: savedIDs)

        for person in people {
            person.id.number = -1

   func undo(savedIDs: [ID]) {
         for id in savedIDs {
         //Prints -1, -1, -1



To prove to myself that it was a problem capturing values, instead of saving the ID objects themselves, I stored the Int values that they contain. It worked perfectly as the Ints are value types.


Then I read some more about closure capturing and tried this.

undoManager?.registerUndo(withTarget: self, handler: { [saved = savedIDs] 
    (self) -> () in 
         self.undo(savedIDs: saved)


Same problem, all still -1.


NSUndoManager并不是真的要捕获旧的,而是要捕获操作 em>恢复原始值.

NSUndoManager isn't really about capturing about old values, but about capturing operations that restore the original values.


You are only capturing references to the IDs. So the elements in savedIDs are pointing to the same objects as the id properties on the elements of people, i.e. when you change one, you also change the other.

您需要做的是手动保存ID s和要将它们重置为的值,如下所示:

What you need to do is manually save the IDs and the values you want to reset them to, like so:

let savedPairs = people.map { (id: $0.id, originalValue: $0.id.number) }


This ensures that the number value itself of id is saved somewhere, not just the pointer to the id.


You can then register an action that performs the undoing with the values you captured manually, like so:

undoManager.registerUndo(withTarget: self) {
    savedPairs.forEach { $0.id.number = $0.originalValue }


10-28 22:31