


I'm recursively watching a directory (and therefore all subdirs and files) for changes.


It seems, if I'm creating or deleting a directory or file in a subdirectory of the root-dir to watch the Path which is included in the WatchEvent instance one receives (via context()) has no Parent and therefore rootDirToWatch.resolve(event.context()) is not returning the Path I like to have.



/home/johannes/test is watched, then I'm creating a new directory in /home/johannes/test/foo/bar named baz, I'm getting a new Path instance which is/home/johannes/test/baz instead of /home/johannes/test/foo/bar/baz


Any suggestions what's going wrong?


I'm simply using a visitor to watch for all subdirectories in a certain root-directory to watch (watching a whole directory with all it's descendants):

public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(final Path pDir, final BasicFileAttributes pAttrs)
    throws IOException
    pDir.register(mWatcher, ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_DELETE, ENTRY_MODIFY);
    return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;


I think I really have to use a visitor or at least register all subdirs with the watcher. As WatchEvent returns a relative path it's clear why it behaves as described, but I don't want to traverse the directory once more to find the path from the root-dir to watch to the added/deleted/modified File somewhere depper in the hierarchy.

我已经找到了解决方案(对索引进行索引"): http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/displayCode.html?code=http://docs. oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/io/examples/WatchDir.java

I've found the solution ("indexing" the keys): http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/displayCode.html?code=http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/io/examples/WatchDir.java




You should use the Watchable in the key.


Here's a Scala code from my app. I guess you will be able to read it.

object FsNotifType extends Enumeration {
  val Create, Update, Delete = Value

case class FsNotif(notifType: FsNotifType.Value,path: Path)

object FsNotif {
  def apply(watchKey: WatchKey,event: java.nio.file.WatchEvent[_]): FsNotif = {
    val fsNotifType = event.kind() match {
      case StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE => FsNotifType.Create
      case StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY => FsNotifType.Update
      case StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE => FsNotifType.Delete
      case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown FS event kind: " + event)
    val watchedPath = watchKey.watchable().asInstanceOf[Path]
    val relativePath = event.context().asInstanceOf[Path]
    val absolutePath = watchedPath.resolve(relativePath)


This works fine, but take care of some corner cases:

 * Returns the object for which this watch key was created. This method will
 * continue to return the object even after the key is cancelled.
 * <p> As the {@code WatchService} is intended to map directly on to the
 * native file event notification facility (where available) then many of
 * details on how registered objects are watched is highly implementation
 * specific. When watching a directory for changes for example, and the
 * directory is moved or renamed in the file system, there is no guarantee
 * that the watch key will be cancelled and so the object returned by this
 * method may no longer be a valid path to the directory.
 * @return the object for which this watch key was created
Watchable watchable();


Sorry, I don't know how to deal with this.


10-29 00:27