本文介绍了jQuery Highlight()在动态表中中断的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've got a little issue with a highlight function I'm working on. I basically load records out of a database that match the current form data in certain ways. Then, when someone is filling in the form, if they are describing an issue that already exists in my system, it will highlight words that their description has in common with the existing record(s). My issue is that the table breaks. It will work to a certain extent, but sometimes it breaks the PHP loop portion out of the rest of the table, and it then has no formatting, and the highlighting function will not work. To be more specific, once broken, the td tags in the body of the table do not follow the formatting of the header row.Conditions that cause the undesirable effect:

  1. 在文本区域中浏览
  2. 如果必须一次删除或应用太多类(通过删除所有类,添加多个单词或删除或搜索出现多次的单个字符)


html on the main page && script to trigger the highlighting

<textarea name="description" id="description"></textarea>
 var delay = (function(){
 var timer = 0;
 return function(callback, ms){
 clearTimeout (timer);
 timer = setTimeout(callback, ms);
    $("#displayer *").removeClass('highlight');
    var1 = $('textarea#description').val().split(' ');
    for (var i=0;i<var1.length;i++){
    $("#displayer *").highlight(var1[i], "highlight")};


the external php that builds the searched table based on an ajax call is this:

echo '<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="5" CELLPADDING="5" id="displayer"><FONT     FACE="ARIAL">';

   echo ' <tr> '; 
echo '   <td width="20" ALIGN="LEFT" height="1">ID</td>'; 
echo '   <td width="89" ALIGN="LEFT" height="1">Date</td> '; 
echo '   <td width="200" ALIGN="LEFT" height="1" >Description</td>'; 
echo '   <td width="89" ALIGN="LEFT" height="1" >Solution</td>'; 
echo '   <td width="20" ALIGN="LEFT" height="1" >User:</td>'; 
echo '   <td ALIGN="LEFT" height="1" >Key?:</td>';
echo '   <td ALIGN="LEFT" height="1" >Part:</td>';
echo '   <td ALIGN="LEFT" height="1" >Classified As:</td>';
echo ' </tr>   '; 
 for ($i=1; $i <= $num_results; $i++)
   $row = mysql_fetch_array($result1); 

     echo '<TR BGCOLOR="#EFEFEF">';
     echo '<TD width="20">';
     echo  stripslashes($row['0']) ;
     echo '</TD>';
     echo '<TD width="89" >';
     echo  $row['1'] ;
     echo '</TD>';
     echo '<TD width="200">';
     echo  stripslashes($row['6']) ;
     echo '</TD>';
     echo '<TD width="89">';
     echo  stripslashes($row['11']) ;
     echo '</TD>';
     echo '<TD  width="20">';
     echo  $row['5'] ;
     echo '</TD>';
      echo '<TD>';
      if ($row['8'] == 1)
     {echo  'Yes' ;}
     {echo 'No' ;}

     echo '</TD>';
     echo '<td>'.$row['10'].'</td>';
     echo '<td>'.$row['9'].'</td>';

     echo '</TR>';

         echo '</TABLE>';


jQuery.fn.highlight = function (str, className) {
    var regex = new RegExp(str, "gi");
    return this.each(function () {
        $(this).contents().filter(function() {
            return this.nodeType == 3 && regex.test(this.nodeValue);
        }).replaceWith(function() {
            return (this.nodeValue || "").replace(regex, function(match) {
                return "<span class=\"" + className + "\">" + match + "</span>";


I think I should add a test for empty with some kind of escape, to solve the first condition, but with the second, I'm not sure what's happening. Any suggestions are definitely appreciated. Sorry for the post being huge and convoluted, but I wanted everyone to have all the information I could provide.


        var divClone = $("#disp_hidden .serial_display").clone();
        $("#displayer .serial_display").replaceWith(divClone);
                if ($.trim($('textarea#description').val()) != ''){
                var1 = $('textarea#description').val().trim().split(' ');
            for (var i=0;i<var1.length;i++){
            $("#displayer *").highlight(var1[i], "highlight")};


hidden table clone, replaces at new edit, fixed.

这篇关于jQuery Highlight()在动态表中中断的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-29 01:14