


In my daily work, I intend to write tests for the code that I change.


My workflow usually is like this:

  • 查找要更改的代码

  • 写入失败的测试

  • 更改代码

  • 观看测试通行证

  • Find code to change
  • Write failing test
  • Change code
  • Watch test pass


And before commit, I run all tests.


But in reality, I could change any lines unknowingly about our test coverage.


What I do now is usually to see if the CI server will show increasing test coverage. But this is a manual task which I have to do after my commit, and it also may be cluttered by others committing code.


How can IntelliJ help me? I cannot directly find a way to compare test coverage. How can I ensure my changes drive test coverage up?


How do you currently handle this aspect of your code coverage?


IntelliJ IDEA包括支持自6.0版本(终极版)。

IntelliJ IDEA includes the code coverage support since the 6.0 version (Ultimate edition).

通过运行 - >编辑配置 - >代码覆盖率您可以配置所需的代码覆盖率,然后您可以发出使用coverage命令运行测试。因此,您将在项目视图中获得一些代码覆盖率数据。当您打开源文件时,您还可以看到完全覆盖,部分覆盖或未覆盖哪些行。

Through Run -> Edit Configurations -> Code Coverage you can configure the code coverage you want, then you can issue the "Run tests with coverage" command. You'll have as a result some code coverage data on the project view. When you open a source file you can also see what lines are fully covered, partially covered, or not covered at all.

您可能想要自定义颜色和放大。字体通过文件 - >设置 - >编辑器 - >颜色和&字体 - >一般修改以下条目:

You might want to customize the Colors & Fonts through File -> Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General modifying the following entries:

  • 全线覆盖

  • 部分线路覆盖

  • 未覆盖的行


For example I wanted to add more evidency to the coverage, so I configured a different background for those lines.


Once you have some red lines (not covered), you can try to cover them and if you see them becoming green it means you did a good job, and so on!


10-29 06:36