


I search a machine learning method detecting some question.


 User: Please tell me your name ?     
 AI  : (AI find User want to know his name)   
       My name is [AI's name]. 


[label], [question]    
   1   , What's your name?    
   1   , Tell me your name.


But the problem is to include something that is not a question in the input.


User: Hello, my name is [User name]
AI  : (this is not a question)    
      (throw another process)
      (->) Nice to meet you.


The number of Question's categories is 10~20, but the number of sentences which is not a question is too many.


Do you know how to solve this question Or any task related to this?



You'll probably want to factor the problem into three parts.

  • 首先,您需要将任意长度的文本序列映射到固定长度的向量上.为此,您可以查看 Le和Mikolov的句子和文档的分布式表示形式"
  • 有了这些,问题就会减少到一个简单的分类任务.您有一组向量和每个向量映射到的类别.具有一个隐藏层和一个softmax输出层的网络应该足够了.这将使您可以按类别进行分配.
  • 最后,您需要确定每个预测的置信度.我想到了两种广泛的方法.
  • First, you'll want to map the arbitrary-length sequence of text onto a fixed-length vector. For this, you might look at Le and Mikolov's "Distributed Representations of Sentences and Documents"
  • Once you have that, the problem reduces to a simple classification task. You have a set of vectors and the categories each maps to. A network with one hidden layer and a softmax output layer should probably be sufficient. This will give you a distribution over categories.
  • Finally, you need to determine a confidence level for each prediction. There are two broad approaches that come to mind.
  1. 首先,您可以为杂项"引入新的类别,并向其中添加任何不属于真实"类别之一的句子.这种方法的弱点在于,该类实际上是许多不相关类的并集,因此可能很难学习,因为这些点将散布在整个段落矢量空间中,而不是存在于一个好的簇中.
  2. 或者,您可以在使用softmax进行归一化之前,先查看输出神经元的值 ,如果最可能类别的值不超过某个阈值,则输出未知类别".您可能需要调整阈值,以最大程度地提高验证集的准确性.
  1. First, you can introduce a new category for "miscellaneous", and add any sentences that don't fit into one of the "real" categories to it. The weakness of this approach is that this class is actually the union of many unrelated classes and thus might be difficult to learn, since the points will be scattered all over the paragraph vector space rather than existing in a nice cluster.
  2. Alternately, you might look at the values of the output neurons before you normalize using softmax, and output "unknown category" if the value for the most likely category doesn't exceed some threshold. You'll probably want to tune the threshold value to maximize accuracy over a validation set.


I can't guarantee that this will work, but it's the approach I would try first.


10-29 13:04