


I don't have a real need to omit the default core.css reference from my HTML pages but I would like to know so I can feel comfortable that I have full control. Thanks



There are many ways to achieve this.


The problem is, once you remove the core.css file you are talking about 6 thousand lines of places that will not appear with a presentation anymore. What I do when we are limited to theme-only visual customization I create a theme that will address any new CSS needs and also replace the elements in the core.css file (themes are loaded AFTER this file, so if you have duplicated declarations in both files, the theme's one will prevail, without using the !important mini-hacks).


Keep in mind that SharePoint in editing mode just doesn't work without this file, you have to use different approaches when you are, for example, talking about an internet-facing site with 100% anonymous users vs an intranet-like portal with everyone creating and editing content on the go.


With all the warnings given, you can go to your masterpage and remove the core.css tag making it invisible:

<SharePoint:CssLink runat="server" Visible="false"/>

根据共享点网站的类型(WSS与MOSS +发布功能),母版页可能会根据配置而有所不同,默认情况下(没有发布功能或任何更改的WSS或MOSS),您的母版页将在所有网址中不包含/_layouts/的链接.

Depending on your type of sharepoint site (WSS vs MOSS + Publishing Features) the masterpages may work differently based on configuration, by default (WSS or MOSS without Publishing Features or any change on the matter) your masterpage will open on all the link that do not contain /_layouts/ in the url.


  • /Default.aspx =>母版页
  • /DocumentLibrary/Forms/Allitems.aspx => MasterPage
  • /_ layouts/viewlsts.aspx(显示所有网站内容)=>没有自定义母版


This is Microsoft's way to stop you from breaking even more (system pages) with the masterpages, but you can be extreme and use HttpModules or editing the 12/Template/Layouts/LCID folder (affecting the entire web front-end)


  • 用户匿名时没有core.css的匿名站点,并且在提供凭据时正常加载(加载速度)
  • 用于让用户创建其迷你网站并使用品牌模板或其他共享点主题的主题
  • 母版页可自定义大多数用户通常看到的内容,从而迫使您在子网站中进行品牌宣传(非MOSS Publishing中的新网站将不会继承该母版页)
  • 所有带有HttpModules或/12/修改的母版页(非常细腻且复杂)


10-31 21:16