

我有两个类CommentComment和JobsComment,它们是从注释表派生的,它们都具有各自的residId和JobId respc.


I have two classes candidateComments and jobscomment derived from comment table both having individual candidateId and JobId respc.

I im trying to save the comments in a post method using function

public bool post(T model,Int id)

    //code to set common fields 
    //code to check which type using type of
        model.candiateId=id;// i get error here as the model at compile time doesnt knw whether it is candidatecomment or job comment.
        model.jobid =id


Is there a way i can set the compiler to postpone the type checking at runtime ??


public bool post(T model,Int id)
    //code to set common fields 
    //code to check which type using type of
    if(model is candidatecomment)
        ((candidatecomment)model).candidateId = id;
        ((jobcomment)model).jobid = id;


To answer your other question, yes, there is a way to disable type checking at runtime, but its a bit dirty:

public bool post(dynamic model,Int id)
    //code to set common fields 
    //code to check which type using type of
    if(model is candidatecomment)
        model.candidateId = id;
        model.jobid = id;


The keyword dynamic basically means that the compiler will not check the type of the data until runtime. This is dirty because Intellisense won''t work on the model (so typing model. won''t bring up a hint menu), and you have to get the spelling and capitalization right by memory. I would avoid this in favor of the one on top.


11-01 16:57