


In a web project, users upload their files, but when I receive them on the server, they are being stored as .tmp files rather than their original file extension (this is my preferred behavior as well).

但是,这会导致 Files.probeContentType()出现问题。虽然本地对我来说,在我的Linux开发机器上,当我将项目上传到生产服务器时, Files.probeContentType()正常工作并确定正确的mime类型beanstalk),它似乎没有正确确定mime类型。

However, this is causing a problem with Files.probeContentType(). While locally for me, on my Linux dev machine, Files.probeContentType() works correctly and does determine the right mime type, when I upload my project to the production server (amazon beanstalk), it doesn't seem to correctly determine the mime type.

从阅读javadocs,似乎 Files.probeContentType的实现()是不同的,我认为在生产服务器上,它正在读取文件扩展名,因此无法确定内容类型。

From reading the javadocs, it seems that the implementation of Files.probeContentType() are different, and I think that on production server, it is reading the file extension and so, is unable to determine the content type.

什么是 Files.probeContentType()的一个好的,快速的替代品,它将接受文件参数并返回一个字符串如 image / png 作为生成的mime类型?

What's a good, and quick alternative to Files.probeContentType() which will accept a File argument and return a string like image/png as the resulting mime type?



Take a look at the Apache Tika. It can easily determine a mime type:

 Tika tika = new Tika();
 File file = ...
 String mimeType = tika.detect(file);


Here's a minimal required maven dependency:



11-01 18:27