本文介绍了为什么不WebSecurity.Logout * *立即更新IPrincipal.User为空的用户的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



随着中说 - 无论这两种方式我用在MVC应用程序退出

With that said - whichever of these two ways I use to sign out in an MVC application



the effect is the same and neither of the following properties changes to reflect the logout if I immediately access them :


现在 - 如果我做一个重定向,或者只是重新加载页面话,显然这些属性被更新为空的用户。他们只是不立即也就是说 User.Identity.Name 重新presents,只是注销用户。

Now - If I do a Redirect, or just reload the page then obviously these properties are updated to a null user. They just don't immediately meaning that User.Identity.Name represents a user that just logged out.

这是一个问题,因为我要生成表单文本您登录为XXX 登录/注销后 - 这可能是一个AJAX的情况是:重定向是不可能的。

This is a problem because I want to generate text of the form You are logged in as XXX after login/logout - and this may be in an AJAX situation where a redirect isn't possible.

我很好奇,如果有任何的方式来触发的IPrincipal 注销(或登录)后自行复位。

I'm curious if there's any way to trigger the IPrincipal to reset itself after a logout (or login).


I assume people normally just Redirect() after a Logout() call so this is never an issue, but in an AJAX situation this is not always practical.

我目前的解决办法是抽象的身份在自己的包装,所以一旦我登出我就可以更新。我只是有点担心,这可能有一些模糊的副作用,特别是如果有人访问的IPrincipal 直接ADN不是通过包装。

My current solution is to abstract the Identity in my own wrapper, and so once I'm logged out I can just update that. I'm just a little concerned that this could have some obscure side effects especially if somebody accesses IPrincipal directly adn not through the wrapper.


这是ASP.NET管道事件的核心限制,因为它涉及到窗体身份验证。这也使得它容易受到重放攻击,rel=\"nofollow\">知识库文章900111 在可能会有所帮助。

这篇关于为什么不WebSecurity.Logout * *立即更新IPrincipal.User为空的用户的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

11-02 16:41