

如果我 dispatch_async 队列中的阻止如下:

If I dispatch_async a block on main queue like this:

-(void) myTask {
  dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
      [self.service fetchData];


In unit test, I can execute the block passed in main queue by manually run the main loop like this:

  // call function under test
  [myObj myTask];
  // run the main loop manually!
  [[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.01]];
  // now I can verify the function 'fetchData' in block is called

现在,我有另一个类似的函数,它将块发送到 主队列以外的顺序队列:

Now, I have another similar function which dispatch block to an sequential queue other than main queue:

-(void) myTask2 {
  dispatch_async(dispatch_queue_create("my.sequential.queue", NULL), ^{
      [self.service fetchData];


In unit test, how can I execute the block manually now?

  // call function under test
  [myObj myTask2];
  // How to manually execute the block now?

=== Clarify ===


The reason why I want to manually execute is because I don't like any Wait-For-Timeout way doing the test. Because waiting time is depending on CPU speed, on different machines could be different. I'd like to manually execute the block passed to queue (the same way as how I did for the main queue test case) and then verify the result.



You could create the queue in your test function.

-(void) myTask2:(dispatch_queue_t*)queue {
    dispatch_async(*queue, ^{
        [self.service fetchData];

    dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("my.sequential.queue", NULL);
    [myObj myTask2:&queue];

    dispatch_sync(queue, ^{

(刚刚实现 currentRunLoop 不需要)


11-02 21:03