is there a way to configure a custom sessionHandler in mule 3.7.0? I need it to avoid a OptionalDataException as described on this stackoverflow推荐答案如果问题是作为HTTP标头过去的消息属性"MULE_SESSION",则可以尝试将其从消息的出站范围中删除避免将"MULE_SESSION"作为HTTP标头发送.您可以使用"message-property-transformer"元素来做到这一点:If the problem is the message property "MULE_SESSION" that is past as HTTP header, then you can try removing it from the outbound scope of the message in order to avoid sending "MULE_SESSION" as HTTP header. You can do it by using the "message-property-transformer" element:<message-properties-transformer scope="outbound"> <delete-message-property key="MULE_SESSION" /></message-properties-transformer>请记住,您必须将其放置在流中的SOAP调用之前.Remember that you have to place it before the SOAP call in the flow. 这篇关于使用http:listener-config覆盖sessionHandler的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
11-03 02:28