


Assuming I have two lists of objects that have unique ids and an attribute that determines their order, how can I efficiently get the delta indexes (which indexes were inserted, which were deleted, and which were moved)?


let before: [(id: String, timestamp: String)] = [
    ("A", "2015-06-04T12:38:09Z"),
    ("B", "2015-06-04T10:12:45Z"),
    ("C", "2015-06-04T08:39:55Z"),
    ("D", "2015-06-03T23:58:32Z"),
    ("E", "2015-06-01T00:05:51Z"),

let after: [(id: String, timestamp: String)] = [
    ("F", "2015-06-04T16:13:01Z"),
    ("C", "2015-06-04T15:10:29Z"),
    ("A", "2015-06-04T12:38:09Z"),
    ("B", "2015-06-04T10:12:45Z"),

let delta = deltaFn(before, after)


BEFORE                                   AFTER
+-------+----+----------------------+    +-------+----+----------------------+
| index | id | timestamp            |    | index | id | timestamp            |
+-------+----+----------------------+    +-------+----+----------------------+
|     0 |  A | 2015-06-04T12:38:09Z |    |     0 |  F | 2015-06-04T16:13:01Z |
|     1 |  B | 2015-06-04T10:12:45Z |    |     1 |  C | 2015-06-04T15:10:29Z |
|     2 |  C | 2015-06-04T08:39:55Z |    |     2 |  A | 2015-06-04T12:38:09Z |
|     3 |  D | 2015-06-03T23:58:32Z |    |     3 |  B | 2015-06-04T10:12:45Z |
|     4 |  E | 2015-06-01T00:05:51Z |    |     - |    |                      |
+-------+----+----------------------+    +-------+----+----------------------+


Expected result (delta):

Inserted indexes:  [0]
Deleted indexes:   [3, 4]
Moved indexes:     [(from: 0, to: 2), (from: 1, to: 3), (from: 2, to: 1)]



It can be solved by using 2 maps, that map from the ID of each element to its index, and comparing them.


Time complexity is O(n) for hash maps and O(nlogn) for tree based maps.


map1 = empty map
map2 = empty map
for each element x with index i in before:
for each element x with index i in after:

//find moved and deleted:
for each key x in map1:
   id1 = map1.get(x)
   id2 = map2.get(x)
   if id2 == nil:
       add id1 to "deleted indexes"
   else if id1 != id2:
       add (id1,id2) to "moved indexes"
//find new indexes:
for each key x in map2:
    add map2.get(x) to "inserted indexes"


您可以存储输出到 0(分{M,N})和时间的情况下,基于树的映射最大限度地减少了 0(最大{M,N}日志(分钟{M,N})),其中 M,N 是两个列表的大小,通过映射只有最小的列表,然后迭代阵列(这是不映射),而不是图

You can minimize memory output to O(min{m,n}) and time in case of tree-based map to O(max{m,n}log(min{m,n})), where m,n are the sizes of the two lists, by mapping only the smallest list, and then iterating the array (which was not mapped) rather than the map.

map = empty map
for each element x with index i in smaller list:

for each element x with index i1 in larger list:
   i2 = map.get(x)
   if i2:
       if i1 != i2:
           add (i2, i1) to "moved indexes" if smaller list is before
           add (i1, i2) to "moved indexes" if smaller list is after
       add i1 to "inserted indexes" if smaller list is before
       add i1 to "deleted indexes" if smaller list is after

// Find new indexes:
for each key x in map:
    add map.get(x) to "deleted indexes" if smaller list is before
    add map.get(x) to "inserted indexes" if smaller list is after


11-03 13:56