


  \ theoremstyle {empty}\ newtheorem {条件} {条件} 


  \ begin {条件} [名称]\ label {cnd:nm}foo foo foo\ end {条件} 


我现在想做的是通过 \ ref 命令的某些变体来引用条件,\ ref拨打该号码[在其他任何地方都没有显示]\ thref为第n个条件写条件n"\ nameref写入标签的SECTION的名称.建议在此处使用zref解决方案,但似乎并不令人满意毫无用处

有什么简单的方法可以做到这一点吗?(甚至更简单的zref解决方案也将是不错的选择)目前,我刚刚为每个条件定义了 \ newcommand ,并使用它而不是引用条件本身.这在语义上是不透明的,只是令人不满意...

(我给ntheorem的一位作者沃尔夫冈·梅(Wolfgang May)发了电子邮件,他解释说ntheorem内实际上没有办法做到这一点,因为没有记录[name]选项.




  \ makeatletter\ def \ namedlabel#1#2 {\ begingroup\ def \ @currentlabel {#2}%\ label {#1} \ endgroup}\ makeatother 


  \ begin {theorem}\ namedlabel {thm:seamus} {Seamus定理}这是西莫斯定理.\ end {th​​eorem}在这里,我参考〜\ ref {thm:seamus}. 

不幸的是,尽管我想您也可以使用普通的 \ label (当然还有不同的键),但是只能按名称引用.

对于 amsthm 环境,您可以使用

  \ makeatletter\ let \ @ old @ begintheorem = \ @ begintheorem\ def \ @ begintheorem#1#2 [#3] {%\ gdef \ @ thm @ name {#3}%\ @ old @ begintheorem {#1} {#2} [#3]%}\ def \ namedthmlabel#1 {\ begingroup\ edef \ @currentlabel {\ @ thm @ name}%\ label {#1} \ endgroup}\ makeatother 

I am using ntheorem to typeset a set of conditions. In my preamble I have:


When I want to typeset a condition, I write:

foo foo foo

The name appears boldface on the same line as the start of the text of the condition, with no number or anything. Perfect.

What I want to do now is refer to the condition by some variant of the \ref command,\ref calls the number [which is not displayed anywhere else]\thref writes "Condition n" for the nth condition\nameref writes the name of the SECTION of the label. a zref solution was suggested here, but seems unsatisfactory and unwieldly.

Any suggestions on a simple way to do this? (Even a simpler zref solution would be nice) At the moment I've just defined a \newcommand for each condition and use that rather than citing the condition itself. This is semantically opaque and just unsatisfying...

(edit: I emailed one author of ntheorem, Wolfgang May, and he explained that there isn't really a way to do this within ntheorem, since the [name] option isn't recorded.)

(edit: This isn't a dupe as suggested in the comment, since I'm interested in referencing an environment by its optional name command, not referencing the section/chapter it sits in.)


I think the following may do what you want.


Then you use it as

  \namedlabel{thm:seamus}{Seamus' Theorem}
  Here is Seamus' Theorem.

Here I reference~\ref{thm:seamus}.

Unfortunately, it can then only be referenced by name, though I suppose you could use a normal \label as well (with a different key of course).

For the amsthm environments you can use



11-03 14:47