


Assuming a purely non-optimizing compiler, is there any difference in machine code between initializing a variable and assigning it a value after declaration?


int x = 2;


int x;
x = 2;

我使用 GCC 输出为这两种不同方法生成的程序集,并且都生成了一条机器指令:

I used GCC to output the assembly generated for these two different methods and both resulted in a single machine instruction:

movl    $2, 12(%esp)

这条指令只是将 x 变量持有的内存设置为 2 的值.GCC 可能正在对此进行优化,因为它可以识别操作的最终结果;但我认为这是解释这两个版本的唯一方法.我的理由是两个版本都做同样的事情:将一部分内存设置为特定值.

This instruction just sets the memory held by the x variable to the value of 2. GCC may be optimizing this because it can recognize the end result of the operations; but I think this is the only way to interpret the two versions. My reasoning is that both version do the same thing: set a part of memory to a specific value.


Why is it then that a distinction is often made between the terms "initialization" and "assignment" if the resulting machine code is the same?


Is the term "initialization" used purely to differentiate variables which have a specific value assigned over those (non-initialized) variables which have whatever garbage value was left in memory?



The behavior must be identical, but any differences in the generated code really depend on the compiler.


For example, the compiler could generate this for the initialized variable:

pushl    %ebp
movl     %esp, %ebp
pushl    $2 ; allocate space for x and store 2 in it


and this for the uninitialized, but later assigned variable:

pushl   %ebp
movl    %esp, %ebp
subl    $4, %esp ; allocate space for x
movl    $2, -4(%ebp) ; assign 2 to x

在这些情况下,C 标准不要求生成的代码相同或不相同.它只要求在这两种情况下程序的行为相同.并且相同的行为并不一定意味着相同的机器代码.

The C standard does not mandate the generated code to be identical or non-identical in these cases. It only mandates identical behavior of the program in these two cases. And that identical behavior does not necessarily imply identical machine code.


05-19 04:19