

这是家庭作业!我使用 get_peer_certificate() 获得服务器的证书并调用 dump_certificate 将证书转储到变量中.格式是 PEM,我觉得很合适.

This is for a homework assignment!I get the server's certificate using get_peer_certificate()and the calling dump_certificate to dump the certificate in a variable. The format is PEM and looks right to me.



如何从这个文件 ('server.pubkey') 中提取服务器的公钥并使用 RSA 算法和任何 python 库加密 plaintext.在撰写本文时,我正在使用 pyOpenSSL

How do I extract the server's public key from this file ('server.pubkey') and encrypt plaintext using RSA algorithm and any python library. At the time of writing this, I am using pyOpenSSL


我建议使用更广泛的 加密库如 M2Crypto 具有 X509 证书功能以及 RSA 加密:

I'd recommend using a more broad crypto library such as M2Crypto which has the X509 certificate functions as well as RSA encryption:

from M2Crypto import RSA, X509
data = ssl_sock.getpeercert(1)
# load the certificate into M2Crypto to manipulate it
cert = X509.load_cert_string(data, X509.FORMAT_DER)
pub_key = cert.get_pubkey()
rsa_key = pub_key.get_rsa()
cipher = rsa_key.public_encrypt('plaintext', RSA.pkcs1_padding)


05-19 10:07