本文介绍了Worker 内部的同步或异步 Rxjava(来自 WorkManager 组件)什么是正确的选择?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是新架构组件 WorkManager 的新手,我通过 Retrofit 和 RxJava 调用 API.

I'm new to the new architecture component WorkManager, I do my API calls via Retrofit and RxJava.


My use case here is to get new posts from the Backend, then show notification, and update a widget.

所以 Worker 类的 doWork() 方法中的代码可能看起来像这样.

So the code inside doWork() method from the Worker class, may look like something like this.

  public Result doWork() {
    AppDependencies appDependencies = new AppDependencies((Application) getApplicationContext());
    Repository repository = appDependencies.getRepository();

        .flatMap(newPosts -> repository.inserPosts(newPosts).toObservable())
        //if success - > return  Result.SUCCESS,
        // -> show notification
        // -> update widget
        // error-> return Result.Failure
        .dontKnowWhatBestNextThing; //blocking or subscribing

    //if we reached here then Retry
    return Result.RETRY;

我的问题是在 Worker Class 中使用 RxJava 代码的正确方法是什么,因为 doWork() 方法有返回值,所以我是否必须使 Rx 代码同步.

My Question is what is the right way to use a RxJava code inside the Worker Class because the doWork() method has a return value, so Do I have to make Rx code Synchronous.

如果我使用非阻塞 Rx 方法,我如何返回值(成功 - 失败 - 重试)

if I'm using the nonblocking Rx approach, how can I return value (Success - Failure - Retry)


自 WorkManager 版本 1.0.0-alpha12 起,他们添加了一个名为 work-rxjava2 的新工件,其中包括RxWorker 类正是为此目的.这是 ListenableWorker 期望 Single 的特例.

Since WorkManager version 1.0.0-alpha12 they added a new artifact called work-rxjava2 that includes RxWorker class exactly for this purpose. It is a special case of ListenableWorker expecting Single<Result>.

要实现它,首先要确保在 build.gradle 中包含正确的工件:

To implement it, first make sure you include correct artifacts to your build.gradle:

dependencies {
   implementation "android.arch.work:work-runtime-ktx:$work_version"
   implementation "android.arch.work:work-rxjava2:$work_version"


class MyRxWorker(context : Context, params : WorkerParameters) : RxWorker(context, params) {

    val remoteService = RemoteService()

    override fun createWork(): Single<Result> {
        return remoteService.getMySingleResponse()
                .doOnSuccess { /* process result somehow */ }
                .map { Result.success() }
                .onErrorReturn { Result.failure() }

这篇关于Worker 内部的同步或异步 Rxjava(来自 WorkManager 组件)什么是正确的选择?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-07 06:35