本文介绍了为什么在Outlook 2013中以撰写模式显示在“已发送邮件"文件夹中创建的MailItems的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个Outlook 2013加载项,其中有一个ItemSend Eventhandler,我无法正常工作.

I have a Outlook 2013 addin that has a ItemSend Eventhandler that I can't get to work right.


  1. 环绕所有收件人(收件人,抄送,密件抄送),并为每个收件人创建一个单独的副本,并仅以该电子邮件作为收件人并将其发送.然后从发送的邮件文件夹中删除它们.效果很好.

  1. Loops all recipients (to, cc, bcc) and creates a separate copy for each with only that email as recipient and sends them. Then deletes them from sent mail folder. This works fine.


Creates one more copy, that has the original to, cc and bcc information. Uses the move-method to move it to the Sent items folder, because Save would put it in Outbox. It must not be actually sent, it should be just your personal copy as if it would have been sent normally.

设置cancel = true并使用discard关闭检查器窗口,因此也不会发送任何原始文件.这也可以.

Sets cancel = true and closes the inspector window with discard, so the original is never sent either. This works too.


The problem is the saved copy. When I open it, it's in compose mode. Basically it is same as it would be a draft. I want to see it as it would have been sent, in read mode.


I read that the Sent-property determines what mode to show it in, but that property is readonly, as are SentOn which is null and that would be a problem too even if the mode would be right. Is there any way around this?

我什至尝试从已发送邮件"文件夹中接收实际发送的其他邮件之一,编辑内容并保存.但这会导致相同的行为.此外,MailItem的Sent = False和SentOn = null.

I even tried to take one of the other mails that where actually sent, from Sent Items folder, edit the content and save it. But this results in the same behaviour. Also that MailItem has Sent = False and SentOn = null.


Could this be because it hasn't actually been sent yet even if Send-was called, as we are still running the EventHandler and I don't think Outlook actually sends it in another thread?


Anyway this doesn't seem to be a working workaround.


Any ideas how to implement this kind of functionality?


在低(扩展MAPI)级别上,仅在第一次保存该项之前,才可以从PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS属性中删除MSGFLAG_UNSENT位( MAPI限制).

On the low (Extended MAPI) level, the MSGFLAG_UNSENT bit can be removed from the PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS property only before the item is saved for the very first time (MAPI limitation).


The only OOM item ever created in the sent state is the post item. Create a post item, change its MessageClass property back to IPM.Note, save it, remember the item's entry id, release the post item using Marshal.ReleaseComObject (in case of .Net), then reopen it using Namespace.GetItemfromId - you will have MailItem object in the sent state. You will still need to update/delete the PR_ICON_INDEX property to make sure the icon is right.


If using Redemption is an option, it allows to set the Sent property (before it is saved) as well as SentOn / ReceivedTime / Sender / SentOnBehalfOf properties.


RDOSession rdoSession = new RDOSession();
rdoSession.MAPIOBJECT = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT;
RDOFolder rdoFolder = rdoSession.GetDefaultFolder(rdoDefaultFolders.olFolderSentMail);
RDOMail rdoItem = rdoInbox.Items.Add("IPM.Note");
rdoItem.Sent = true;
rdoItem.Recipients.AddEx("Joe The User", "user@domain.demo", "SMTP");
rdoItem.Subject = "test";
rdoItem.Body = "test body";
rdoItem.UnRead = false;
rdoItem.SentOn = rdoItem.ReceivedTime = new DateTime(2016, 10, 6, 8, 44, 0);
rdoItem.Sender = rdoItem.SentOnBehalfOf = rdoSession.CurrentUser;

这篇关于为什么在Outlook 2013中以撰写模式显示在“已发送邮件"文件夹中创建的MailItems的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-22 03:57