本文介绍了HTML 5 Appcache 可以在 safari/opera/chrome 中运行,但不能在 firefox 中运行的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在网站上运行了一个 html5 应用缓存,它在 Safari、Opera 和 Chrome 中运行良好,但在 Firefox 上无法运行.

I have an html5 appcache running on a website, it works fine in Safari, Opera and Chrome but it fails to work on Firefox.


I have the following in my code:

<html manifest="./manifest.appcache">

以及以下 manifest.appcache 文件:

and the following manifest.appcache file:


# Hash: a4e8f4f6a4dd45dd3e8acdaae8546a0a

我正在使用这里的代码:http://jonathanstark.com/blog/2009/09/27/debugging-html-5-offline-application-cache/ 调试应用缓存并在网站上显示输出.

I am using the code from here: http://jonathanstark.com/blog/2009/09/27/debugging-html-5-offline-application-cache/ to debug the appcache and display the output on the site.

在 firefox 中,调试代码的输出显示它正在下载所有文件并调用交换缓存.如果我随后断开 Internet 连接并单击指向本应下载的另一个页面的链接,我会在 Firefox 中收到无法连接消息,而在 Safari、Opera 和 Chrome 中执行相同操作时,它可以正常工作.

In firefox the output from the debug code shows it downloading all the files and calling swap cache. If I then disconnect from the internet and click on a link to another page which should have downloaded I get the Unable to Connect message in Firefox, while doing the same in Safari, Opera and Chrome it works fine.


Any help and suggestions would be appreciated.



查看服务器是否为生成的文件设置了 no-cache/no-store 标头.与其他浏览器相反,Firefox 将忽略清单.

Look if the Server sets no-cache/no-store headers for the generated files. Firefox will then ignore the manifest in contrary to the other browsers.

这篇关于HTML 5 Appcache 可以在 safari/opera/chrome 中运行,但不能在 firefox 中运行的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-04 14:10