


I'm a BGL newbie with a (possibly) easy question: I have a directed graph and use bundled properties for edges, one of them being an index of type int. Knowing a unique index, I would like to get the corresponding edge_descriptor of that edge in order to perform operations on it. The following example summarizes my problem:

#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>

struct EdgeProperties {
    EdgeProperties(): distance(10), time_limit(5) {};
    int index;
    int distance;
    int time_limit;

typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::directedS, boost::no_property, EdgeProperties> Graph;

int main() {

    Graph graph;

    EdgeProperties edge_prop1, edge_prop2, edge_prop3, edge_prop4;

    // Define edge properties
    edge_prop1.index = 0;
    edge_prop2.index = 1;
    edge_prop3.index = 2;
    edge_prop4.index = 3;

    // Add edges to graph
    boost::add_edge(0, 1, edge_prop1, graph);
    boost::add_edge(0, 2, edge_prop2, graph);
    boost::add_edge(1, 3, edge_prop3, graph);
    boost::add_edge(2, 3, edge_prop4, graph);

    // Get vertex_descriptor from an (int) index:
    int vertex_index = 2;
    boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor v = boost::vertex(vertex_index, graph);

    // I would like to get an edge_descriptor from an (int) index property:
    // The following DOES NOT work:
    boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor e = boost::edge(edge_prop1.index, graph);


I read about property maps as well, but could not find a solution my problem. I would prefer bundled properties over internal properties.Is there a way of assigning unique int type indices via a bundle property to edges and access edges through these int type values?


可悲的是,我不认为 boost :: graph 在这里有直接的帮助。

Sadly, I don't think boost::graph is of immediate help here.

第一,没有任何机制可以根据边缘属性的字段找到边缘(或顶点) - BGL保留任何这样的映射,而索引字段完全是为了您的目的。

First, there is no mechanism to find an edge (or vertex, for that matter), based on a field of an edge property - BGL keeps any such mapping, and the 'index' field you have is entirely for your purposes.

其次, boost :: edges 函数返回图的所有边的迭代器范围。我认为你可以将vecS作为边缘容器类型传递给adjacency_list模板,然后查看这个范围,但是根据迭代器只需要多次传递输入迭代器,并且实现确实如此 - 甚至以vecS作为边缘类型,您也无法进行随机访问。

Second, there is the boost::edges function that returns an iterator range for all edges of the graph. I though that you could pass vecS as edge container type to adjacency_list template, and then look inside this range, but per http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_61_0/libs/graph/doc/EdgeListGraph.html the iterators are only required to be multi-pass input iterators, and the implementation does exactly that -- even with vecS as edge type, you can't do random access.

因此,似乎只有这样完成你想要的是将自己的 unodered_map 从索引保留到边描述符。

Therefore, it seems that the only way to accomplish what you want is to keep your own unodered_map from index to edge descriptor.


10-21 00:17