

我的移动2D统一游戏中有多个场景,我想将所有场景加载到启动画面中,以使场景传递更加流畅.我怎样才能做到这一点 ?

I have a multiple scenes in my mobile 2D unity game, I want to load all my scenes in splash screen, so that the scene passing would be smooth. How can I do this ?


If I do this, do I need to change "Application.LoadScene()" method, and what method can I use ?



You need to use SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync if you don't want this to block Unity while loading so many scenes. By using SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync, you will be able to show the loading status.


Create a scene and make sure that this scene loads before any other scene. From there you can loop from 0 to the max index of your scene. You can use SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex to retrieve the Scene from index then SceneManager.SetActiveScene to activate the scene you just retrieved.

List<AsyncOperation> allScenes = new List<AsyncOperation>();
const int sceneMax = 5;
bool doneLoadingScenes = false;

void Startf()

IEnumerator loadAllScene()
    //Loop through all scene index
    for (int i = 0; i < sceneMax; i++)
        AsyncOperation scene = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(i, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
        scene.allowSceneActivation = false;

        //Add to List so that we don't lose the reference

        //Wait until we are done loading the scene
        while (scene.progress < 0.9f)
            Debug.Log("Loading scene #:" + i + " [][] Progress: " + scene.progress);
            yield return null;

        //Laod the next one in the loop

    doneLoadingScenes = true;

void enableScene(int index)
    //Activate the Scene
    allScenes[index].allowSceneActivation = true;

void OnFinishedLoadingAllScene()
    Debug.Log("Done Loading All Scenes");

您可以enableScene(int index)启用场景.请注意,一次只能加载一个场景,必须按加载顺序激活它们,最后不要丢失AsyncOperation的引用.这就是为什么我将它们存储在List中的原因.

You can the enableScene(int index) to enable the scene. Note that only one scene can be loaded at a time and you must activate them in the order you loaded them and finally, do not lose the reference of AsyncOperation. This is why I stored them in a List.

如果遇到问题,请尝试删除allScenes[index].allowSceneActivation = true;scene.allowSceneActivation = false;.我有时看到这些会引起问题.

If you run into problems, try to remove allScenes[index].allowSceneActivation = true; and scene.allowSceneActivation = false;. I've seen these causing problems sometimes.


09-03 00:18