


Is it possible to use three.js for 3d drawing and add to fabric.js for 2d drawing to the same canvas? I just like the way fabric.js handles manipulation and would like to make use of it. Before I start to experiment, I'm wondering if any one has tried this? Is it possible?


另一种方法是将FabricJS与屏幕外的画布一起使用,然后将该画布用作纹理屏幕上的WebGL / tree.js画布(以及您在那里渲染的多边形)的(图像)源。

An alternative approach is to use FabricJS with an off-screen canvas, then use that canvas as a texture (image) source for your on-screen WebGL/tree.js canvas and the polygon you are rendering there.


To interact with the FabricJS canvas you would have to convert your mouse coordinate for the WebGL canvas into compatible coordinates for the FabricJS 2D canvas (i.e. inverse 3D matrix conversion on your 3D polygon, or a similar approach. See this example for one way to deal with mouse coordinates in 3D space), then produce mouse events from that conversion and send those to the off-screen canvas.


After changes are made to the FabricJS, force texture update:

texture.needsUpdate = true;


10-14 16:21