

我已经在Ubuntu 12.04上安装了Openfire 3.10.2.

聊天功能正常,对于脱机消息管理,我已经安装了 CallbackOnOffline 插件.收件人脱机时,将调用一个URL.

Chat is working fine and for offline message management I have installed the CallbackOnOffline plugin. When the recipient is offline, a url is called.

该插件从plugin.callback_on_offline.url属性加载url,添加'to'和'from'参数并执行异步GET请求. 示例链接.

The plugin loads the url from the plugin.callback_on_offline.url property, adds 'to' and 'from' parameters and executes an asynchronous GET request. Sample Link.


I checked what information I get from that and I got a "to" and "from", but I also need those along with the message for the push notifications.



I want to customize CallbackOnOffline plugin of openfire and I want to add one more parameter "message". How can I do that?

您将在这里找到代码: https://github.com/igniterealtime/Openfire/blob/master/src/plugins/callbackOnOffline/src/java/com/fotsum/CallbackOnOffline.java

You will find the code here: https://github.com/igniterealtime/Openfire/blob/master/src/plugins/callbackOnOffline/src/java/com/fotsum/CallbackOnOffline.java


Now, how to create .jar file, which require to make installable plugin in openfire ?


如果要向链接添加更多参数.您需要扩展CallbackOnOffline插件.您将在此处找到代码: https://github.com/igniterealtime/Openfire/blob/master/src/plugins/callbackOnOffline/src/java/com/fotsum/CallbackOnOffline.java

If you want to add more parameters to the link. You need to extend the CallbackOnOffline Plugin. You will find the code here: https://github.com/igniterealtime/Openfire/blob/master/src/plugins/callbackOnOffline/src/java/com/fotsum/CallbackOnOffline.java


If you look into the java class, you will find on line 109 and 110 the "to" and "from" parameter which will be send back (callback). Just add there your parameter with value you need.

更新:之后,您需要再次使用ANT构建插件.查看如何构建插件: https://www.igniterealtime.org/builds/openfire/docs/latest/documentation/plugin-dev-guide.html

Update:After that you need to build the plugin with ANT again. See a how to build a plugin: https://www.igniterealtime.org/builds/openfire/docs/latest/documentation/plugin-dev-guide.html


10-15 09:58