


How to pass messages to C# application from JavaScript, I'm able to do this with PHP and tcpListner in c#(but using PHP need server to host), i need localhost communicate c# application with browser(using javaScript or any other possible way), browser need to pass messages to application running on same matchine


can you suggest appropriate method for this with sample



You can do this in the following way.

第1步:你有创建一个监听器。 的TcpListener 类或的HttpListener可用于开发听者在.NET中。这个代码展示了如何实现一个TCP监听器

step 1 : you have to create a Listener. TcpListener class or HttpListener in .net can be used to develop the listener. This code shows how to implement a TCP listener.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;

//Author : Kanishka 
namespace ServerSocketApp
class Server
 private TcpListener tcpListn = null;
 private Thread listenThread = null;
 private bool isServerListening = false;

 public Server()
  tcpListn = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any,8090);
  listenThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(listeningToclients));
  this.isServerListening = true;

 private void listeningToclients()
  Console.WriteLine("Server started!");
  Console.WriteLine("Waiting for clients...");
  while (this.isServerListening)
   TcpClient tcpClient = tcpListn.AcceptTcpClient();
   Thread clientThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(handleClient));


 //client handler
 private void handleClient(object clientObj)
  TcpClient client = (TcpClient)clientObj;
  Console.WriteLine("Client connected!");

  NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();
  ASCIIEncoding asciiEnco = new ASCIIEncoding();

  //read data from client
  byte[] byteBuffIn = new byte[client.ReceiveBufferSize];
  int length = stream.Read(byteBuffIn, 0, client.ReceiveBufferSize);
  StringBuilder clientMessage = new StringBuilder("");

  //write data to client
  //byte[] byteBuffOut = asciiEnco.GetBytes("Hello client! \n"+"You said : " + clientMessage.ToString() +"\n Your ID  : " + new Random().Next());
  //stream.Write(byteBuffOut, 0, byteBuffOut.Length);
  //writing data to the client is not required in this case

  client.Close(); //close the client

 public void stopServer()
  this.isServerListening = false;
  Console.WriteLine("Server stoped!");


第2步:您可以将参数传递给创建的服务器作为一个GET请求。您可以使用JavaScript或HTML表单来传递参数。 。像jQuery和Dojo的JavaScript库将使它更容易使Ajax请求

Step 2 : you can pass parameters to the created server as a GET request. You can use either JavaScript or HTML Forms to pass parameters. JavaScript libraries like jQuery and Dojo will make it easier to make ajax requests.


我推荐使用的HttpListener 而不是的TcpListener

You have to modify the above code to retrieve the parameters send as a GET request.I recommend to use HttpListener instead of TcpListener


Once you have done with the listening part rest part is just processing the retrieved parameters from the request.


10-18 12:51