

def get_path():
    imgs = []

    for img in os.listdir('/Users/MYUSERNAME/Desktop/app/static/imgs/'):
    image = random.randint(0, len(imgs)-1) #gen random image path from images in directory
    return imgs[image].split(".")[0] #get filename without extension

def show_blah():
    img = get_path()
    return render_template('blahblah.html', img=img) #template just shows image


What I want to do is not have to get the files using os unless there is a way to do it using flask methods. I know this way will only work with my computer and not any server I try and upload it on.


Flask应用程序具有属性static_folder,该属性返回静态文件夹的绝对路径.您可以使用它来知道要列出的目录,而不必将其绑定到计算机的特定文件夹结构.要为要在HTML <img/>标记中使用的图像生成一个url,请使用url_for('static',filename ='static_relative_path_to/file')'.

The Flask app has a property static_folder that returns the absolute path to the static folder. You can use this to know what directory to list without tying it to your computer's specific folder structure. To generate a url for the image to be used in an HTML <img/> tag, use `url_for('static', filename='static_relative_path_to/file')'.

import os
from random import choice
from flask import url_for, render_template

def random_image():
    names = os.listdir(os.path.join(app.static_folder, 'imgs'))
    img_url = url_for('static', filename=os.path.join('imgs', choice(names)))

    return render_template('random_image.html', img_url=img_url)


10-23 12:59