本文介绍了没有glClear的Android OpenGL渲染错误?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm developing a drawing application where the user can select a range of brushes and paint on the screen. I'm using textures as brushes and I'm drawing vertexes as points with PointSpriteOES enabled as displayed below.



The application worked just as desired, but I needed to optimize it for runtime as its framerate dropped under 30 when dealt with a lot of vertexes. Since the application's domain enables it, it seemed a good idea to leave the glClear and leave the redrawing of already existing lines as it's really unnecessary. However, this resulted in a very strange bug I couldn't fix since then. When the OpenGL is not rendering (I have set render mode to WHEN_DIRTY), only about 1/3 of all the vertexes are visible on the screen. Requesting a redraw by calling requestRender() makes these vertexes disappear and others are shown. There are three states I can tell apart, each state showing an approximate of 1/3 of all vertexes.

我已经上传了三个屏幕截图( http://postimg.org/image/d63tje56l/ http://postimg.org/image/npeds634f/)可以使您更轻松地进行操作理解.屏幕截图显示了我绘制了三行不同颜色的线条的状态(因此我无法链接所有3张图像,但我希望您能想象得到-它缺少第一和第二部分的线段).可以清楚地看到,如果我可以将屏幕合并为一个屏幕,那么我会得到理想的结果.

I have uploaded three screenshots (http://postimg.org/image/d63tje56l/, http://postimg.org/image/npeds634f/) to make it a bit easier for you to understand. The screenshots show the state where I have drawn three lines with different colors (SO didn't enable me to link all 3 images, but I hope you can imagine it - it has the segments missing from the 1st and the 2nd). It can clearly be seen that if I could merge the screens into a single one, I would get the desired result.


I'm only guessing what the issue is caused by since I'm not an OpenGL expert. My best shot is that OpenGL uses triple buffers and only a single buffer is shown at a given time, while other vertexes are placed on the backbuffers. I have tried forcing all buffers to be rendered as well as trying to force all vertexes to appear on all buffers, but I couldn't manage either.


Could you help me solve this?


我相信您的猜测是完全正确的. OpenGL的常用用法是,每次要求重画时,您都希望绘制一个完整的帧,包括初始的空白.如果不这样做,行为通常是不确定的.在您的情况下,肯定看起来像是在使用三重缓冲,并且您的图形分布在3个单独的表面上.

I believe your guess is exactly right. The way OpenGL is commonly used, you're expected to draw a complete frame, including an initial clear, every time you're asked to redraw. If you don't do that, behavior is generally undefined. In your case, it certainly looks like triple buffering is used, and your drawing is distributed over 3 separate surfaces.


This model does not work very well for incremental drawing, where drawing a full frame is very expensive. There are a few options you can consider.


This is not directly a solution, but always something worth thinking about. If you can find a way to make your rendering much more efficient, there might be no need to render incrementally. You're not showing your rendering code, so it's possible that you simply have too many points to get a good framerate.


But in any case, make sure that you use OpenGL efficiently. For example, store your points in VBOs, and update only the parts that change with glBufferSubData().


This is the most generic and practical solution. Instead of drawing directly to the primary framebuffer, use a Frame Buffer Object (FBO) to render to a texture. You do all of your drawing to this FBO, and copy it to the primary framebuffer when it's time to redraw.

要从FBO复制到主帧缓冲区,在ES 2.0中需要一对简单的顶点/片段着色器.在ES 3.0和更高版本中,可以使用glBlitFramebuffer().

For copying from FBO to the primary framebuffer, you will need a simple pair of vertex/fragment shaders in ES 2.0. In ES 3.0 and later, you can use glBlitFramebuffer().


  • 仅使用标准ES 2.0功能即可在任何设备上工作.
  • 易于实施.


  • 每次重新绘制时都需要帧缓冲区的副本.


EGL, which is the underlying API to connect OpenGL to the window system in Android, does have attributes to create single buffered surfaces. While single buffered rendering is rarely advisable, your use case is one of the few where it could still be considered.


While the API definition exists, the documentation specifies support as optional:


I have never tried this myself, so I have no idea how widespread support is, or if it's supported on Android at all. The following sketches how it could be implemented if you want to try it out:


If you derive from GLSurfaceView for your OpenGL rendering, you need to provide your own EGLWindowSurfaceFactory, which would look something like this:

class SingleBufferFactory implements GLSurfaceView.EGLWindowSurfaceFactory {
    public EGLSurface createWindowSurface(EGL10 egl, EGLDisplay display,
                                          EGLConfig config, Object nativeWindow) {
        int[] attribs = {EGL10.EGL_RENDER_BUFFER, EGL10.EGL_SINGLE_BUFFER,
        return egl.eglCreateWindowSurface(display, config, nativeWindow, attribs);

    public void destroySurface(EGL10 egl, EGLDisplay display, EGLSurface surface) {
        egl.eglDestroySurface(display, surface);


Then in your GLSurfaceView subclass constructor, before calling setRenderer():

setEGLWindowSurfaceFactory(new SingleBufferFactory());



EGL API允许您指定一个表面属性,该属性请求将缓冲区内容保留在eglSwapBuffers()上.但是,这在EGL10界面中不可用.您必须使用EGL14接口,该接口至少需要API级别17.

The EGL API allows you to specify a surface attribute that requests the buffer content to be preserved on eglSwapBuffers(). This is not available in the EGL10 interface, though. You'll have to use the EGL14 interface, which requires at least API level 17.


To set this, use:

EGL14.eglSurfaceAttrib(EGL14.eglGetCurrentDisplay(), EGL14.eglGetCurrentSurface(EGL14.EGL_DRAW),


You should be able to place this in the onSurfaceCreated() method of your GLSurfaceView.Renderer implementation.


This is supported on some devices, but not on others. You can query if it's supported by querying the EGL_SURFACE_TYPE attribute of the config, and check it against the EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED_BIT bit. Or you can make this part of your config selection.




I would probably check for EGL_BUFFER_PRESERVE support on the specific device, and use it if it is suppported. Otherwise, go for the FBO and blit approach.

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