


Currently I have two arrays, one is a list of numbers titled nums, and the ms is a list of strings titled places.



places = ["house","gym", "work", "school", "park"] 


both arrays are the same length.


I want to make a bar chart with these arrays that looks similar to http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3885304, but the data is coming from these arrays rather than a tsv file.


In Bostock's code the data is read in from a tsv file, the code is below.

d3.tsv("data.tsv", type, function(error, data) {
  x.domain(data.map(function(d) { return d.letter; }));
  y.domain([0, d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.frequency; })]);

此外,我从服务器接收更新,而其他酒吧不变某些酒吧的数据将被更新。而非刷新页面我想更新它改变吧。对于这种类型的项目我应该尝试使用类似反应,或其他任何建议。在这里帮助将大大AP preciated。谢谢!

Additionally, I am receiving updates from a server and the data on certain bars will be updating while other bars are constant. Rather than refreshing the page I want to update the bars which change. For this type of project should I try to use something like react, or any other recommendations. Help here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!


如果你想使用麦克博斯托克的code,那么你可以创建一个名为数据的数组,用的 NUM 的属性和的地方的属性:

If you want to use Mike Bostock's code then you could create an array called data, with a num property and a place property:

var data=[]; 
for(var i=0; i<nums.length; i++){
var obj = {num: nums[i], place: places[i]};


Then you can get rid of the d3.tsv call. Obviously you'll also need to replace Mike's references to d.letter and d.frequency with d.place and d.num.

在你的JavaScript code,监听该数据已更新任何事件的信号,然后打电话给你的图表绘制方法时发生这种情况。

In your javascript code, listen for whatever event signals that the data has been updated and then call your chart plotting method when this occurs.


11-03 02:45