本文介绍了Rails 3.2.8 - 使用 POW 跨子域共享设计会话的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在 rails 3.2.8 中建立一个简单的基于子域的博客.基本上,它将拥有站点、用户(通过 Devise 进行身份验证)和将用户连接到站点的成员资格.我设置了 POW,以便 myapp.dev 正常工作.每个站点都有一个子域,我可以毫无问题地使用子域导航到 site#show 操作.我的问题是我无法跨子域共享设计会话.我的 heroku 应用程序一切正常,但我希望能够在本地进行测试.

I am trying to set up a simple subdomain-based blog in rails 3.2.8. Basically it will have sites, users (authenticated through Devise), and memberships to connect users to sites. I set up POW so that myapp.dev is working properly. Each site has a subdomain and I can navigate to the site#show action using the subdomains with no problems. My issue is that I can't get the Devise sessions to be shared across subdomains. Everything is working fine on my heroku app, but I would like to be able to test this locally.

当我将以下内容添加到 session_store.rb 时,会话似乎可以跨子域工作,但随后我无法注销.

When I add the following to session_store.rb, teh sessions seem to work across subdomains, but then I can't log out.

Appname::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, :key => '_appname_session', domain: :all


When I change the end to domain: ".appname.dev" it doesn't work.



确保清除 cookie 并重新启动应用程序.

Make sure you clear your cookies and restart the app.

Appname::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, :key => '_appname_session', domain: ".appname.dev"

domain: ".appname.dev" 是域选项的正确格式.起步阶段很重要.

domain: ".appname.dev" is the correct format for the domain option. The beginning period is important.

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05-18 23:21