本文介绍了RTSP / RTMP视频流客户端iOS的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要一个开源解决方案/库来将RTSP / RTMP流式传输到iOS应用程序。我需要构建一个连接到媒体服务器的应用程序,并打开提供的视频流。我相信在那里有图书馆,但是我还没有找到一个开源的,编译的,实际的,并且在iOS 5+,iPhone 4+上运行的。我没有偏好, RTMP RTSP 就足够了。最好是工作量最少的人。我有RTSP在Android方面工作,但对iOS没有任何帮助。

I'm in need of a open source solution/library to stream RTSP/RTMP to an iOS Application. I need to build an app that connects to a media server, and opens the provided video stream. I believe there has to be libraries out there, but I have yet to find one that is open source, compiles, actually works, and runs on iOS 5+, iPhone 4+. I do not have a preference, RTMP or RTSP will suffice. Preferably the one with the least amount of work. I have RTSP working on the Android side, but nothing for iOS yet.

这是我今天从研究中已经知道的 -

This is what I already know from research today -


  • 似乎可以使用Live555 / FFMPEG

  • - 旧的FFMPEG,与ARMv7不兼容(一年没有更新/博客/提交) )

  • - 这是一个工作的例子。 >
  • Seems possible using Live555/FFMPEG
  • MooncatVenture Group - Old FFMPEG, not compatible with ARMv7s (No updates/blogs/commits in over a year)
  • DFURTSPPlayer - This is a working example.


  • 似乎有可能使用Live555 / FFMPEG

  • 几个图书馆都在那里进行数据传送,但这些都是

  • - 似乎视频支持尚未构建,因为音频不是。 li>
  • Seems possible using Live555/FFMPEG
  • A few libraries are out there for data messaging, but that is all
  • MidnightCoders Project - Does not seem video support is build yet, as Audio is not.

我有对于任何与之前相关的视频相关的错误,所以编码,帧率,关键帧,块等对我而言是非常外在的。现在,似乎从Live555 / FFMPEG构建一个静态二进制文件是我问题的唯一解决方案。如果有的话,任何人都可以给我一个简单的快速入门指南或链接到有人在那里的博客/例子?我不是在寻找任何疯狂的东西,只是一个简单的

I've never messed with anything video related before, so encoding, frame rate, key frame, chunks, etc... is pretty foreign to me. Right now, it seems building a static binary from Live555/FFMPEG is the only solution to my problem. If so, can anyone give me a simple quickstart guide or links to a blog/example someone has out there? I'm not looking for anything crazy, just a simple

  1. 下载此链接

  2. 编译这样 - LINK

  3. 将其放入Xcode中的X文件夹

  4. 创建X对象

  5. 读取流API这里 - LINK

  1. Download This - LINK
  2. Compile it like this - LINK
  3. Place it into X Folder in Xcode
  4. Create X Object
  5. Read Stream API here - LINK


If not, anyone want to point me to a working open source library?


Oh yeah, this happens to be my first iPhone app and first time in Objective-C. Awesome first project, yeah?



DFURTSPPlayer is a working example on GitHub. Will have to double check on licensing issues, but with this it is a good place to start for RTSP.

这篇关于RTSP / RTMP视频流客户端iOS的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-13 21:33