


   - 名称:Test 
shell:docker inspect --format'{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}'instance1


这是一个非常干净可靠的本机解决方法, code> docker --inspect 带花括号。我们假设我们刚刚引用了一个容器,使用可解析码头模块

   -  name:query客户端容器的IP 
shell:docker exec {{docker_containers [0] .Id}} hostname -I

- 名称:获取查询结果的IP
_container_ip:{{_container_query.stdout | regex_replace('\\s','')}}

您现在可以在变量 _container_ip 中具有Docker容器的IP。我也在我的文章上发布了这个解决方法:


[更新2015-11-04] BTW,在官方的可靠存储库中有两个提取请求,这将通过恢复Docker模块返回的事实使得这种解决方法不必要。所以你可以通过 docker_containers [0] .NetworkSettings.IPAddress 访问码头接收器的IP。所以请投票支持这些拉票请求:

How to escape double curly braces in Ansible 1.9.2?

For instance, how can I escape double curly braces in the following shell command?

- name: Test 
  shell: "docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' instance1"

Here is a mostly clean and Ansible native workaround not depending on docker --inspect with curly braces. We assume we have just referenced one container with the Ansible docker module before:

- name: query IP of client container
  shell: "docker exec {{ docker_containers[0].Id }} hostname -I"
  register: _container_query

- name: get IP of query result
    _container_ip: "{{ _container_query.stdout | regex_replace('\\s','') }}"

You now have the IP of the Docker container in the Variable _container_ip. I also published this workaround on my article The Marriage of Ansible with Docker.

[Update 2015-11-03] Removed whitespaces of the stdout of the container query.

[Update 2015-11-04] BTW, there were two pull requests in the official Ansible repository, that would made this workaround needless by recovering the facts returned by the Docker module. So you could acces the IP of a docker container via docker_containers[0].NetworkSettings.IPAddress. So please vote for those pull requests:


10-20 18:33