


I'm setting up Capybara for the first time and it seems to be calling Chrome instead of Firefox by default.


At first I was getting the webdriver error:

我可以通过添加 gem'chromedriver-helper'


I also tried adding this to both spec_helper and rails_helper:

Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app|
  Capybara::Selenium::Driver.new(app, browser: :firefox)


I was able to confirm that rails was able to successfully call firefox because the following command in rails_helper does successfully launch Firefox (but does not take any further action) when I start the test (as per comments, I later removed this command).

RSpec.configure do |config|
    driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox


I'm getting the same error on a separate machine and on a different rails app (also didn't have geckodriver set-up on the first pass of Capybara)


My understanding is that Capybara should call Firefox by default. There seems to be a second configuration somewhere that I can't find. Does anyone have an idea of where I might find the line that is calling chrome?


从您提供的日志文件中,我们可以看到您正在使用Rails 5.1,RSpec 3.8和Capybara 2.18。由于该日志还包含 actionpack-5.1.6 / lib / action_dispatch / system_testing / driver.rb,因此我们可以知道您正在编写系统测试/规范(通过rspec-rails)。系统测试所使用的驱动程序由driven_by 方法控制system-specs / system-spec rel = nofollow noreferrer> RSpec系统规范文档,默认情况下使用Rails注册的:selenium 驱动程序,该驱动程序配置为使用Chrome。如所述,您可以切换到Firefox通过指定

From the log file you provided we can see that you're using Rails 5.1, RSpec 3.8 and Capybara 2.18. Since the log also includes "actionpack-5.1.6/lib/action_dispatch/system_testing/driver.rb" we can tell that you're writing system tests/specs (through rspec-rails). The driver used by system tests is controlled by the driven_by method as documented in the RSpec system spec docs and by default uses the Rails registered :selenium driver which is configured to use Chrome. As documented in the Rails System Test docs you can switch to Firefox by specifying

driven_by :selenium, using: :firefox

此外,水豚2.18在这一点上已经过时了。如果您打算使用最新版本的Firefox / Chrome,则可能要更新到最新版本(截至目前为3.6)。

Additionally, Capybara 2.18 is pretty much obsolete at this point. You probably want to update to the latest version (3.6 as of now) if you plan on using the latest versions of Firefox/Chrome.


10-26 21:39