


during this question i want to call some less functions such as darken, lighten and spin inside javascript. i did it in node.js like this and it works:

#!/usr/bin/env node
var less = require('less');
var args = process.argv.slice(2);

less.render(".my{ color:lighten("+ args[0]+","+args[1]+"%); }", function (e, css) {


$ ./my "#000" 13.5


but i did in html and less.js file and using solution in this question and made this:

    <script language="JavaScript" src="less-1.7.0.min.js"></script>
    <script language="JavaScript">
        var lessColor = {
             | Lighten
            lighten: function (col, val) {
                col = col.replace(/#/g, '');    //Remove the hash

                var color = new less.tree.Color(col);   //Create a new color object
                var amount = new less.tree.Value(val);      //Create a new amount object
                var newRGB = less.tree.functions.lighten(color, amount); //Get the new color
                var hex = (newRGB.rgb[0] + 256 * newRGB.rgb[1] + 65536 * newRGB.rgb[2]).toString(16);
                hex = hex.split('.', 1);    //Remove everything after the decimal if it exists

                //Add padding to the hex to make it 6 characters
                while (hex.length < 6) {
                    hex = hex + '0';
                hex = '#' + hex;  //Add the hash

                return hex; //return the color


but different output in console:


i'm pretty sure #222222 is correct result but how can i get this result inside javascript?



As can be read from the comments the following code will give you #222222:

   var lessColor = {
        lighten: function (color, amount) {
        color = new (less.tree.Color)(color.substring(1));
        amount = new(less.tree.Dimension)(amount, '%');
        return less.tree.functions.lighten(color, amount).toRGB(); 

请注意,与col.replace(/#/g, '');一样,color.substring(1)也会删除起始的#. less.tree.Color的输入是十六进制颜色三元组,较少的解析器使用以下代码进行该转换:

Notice that color.substring(1) just like col.replace(/#/g, ''); removes the starting #. The input of less.tree.Color is the hex color triplet the less parser uses the following code for that conversion:

var rgb;
if (parserInput.currentChar() === '#' && (rgb = parserInput.$re(/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})/))) {
var colorCandidateString = rgb.input.match(/^#([\w]+).*/); // strip colons, brackets, whitespaces and other characters that should not definitely be part of color string
colorCandidateString = colorCandidateString[1];
if (!colorCandidateString.match(/^[A-Fa-f0-9]+$/)) { // verify if candidate consists only of allowed HEX characters
error("Invalid HEX color code");
return new(tree.Color)(rgb[1]);


10-21 23:16