

在每个CSS布局中添加 #container #Wrapper 中的整个代码是否有用?我们不能在没有这个额外的 div 的情况下进行布局?使用这个额外的 div 有什么利弊?

Is it useful to add whole code in #container, #Wrapper in every CSS layout? Can't we make layout without this extra div ? What are pros and cons to use this extra div?


Is it good practice ? Is it useful for any type of design/layout? Is it semantically correct?



It would not be needed in every layout unless every layout was the same, and then only if they require a wrapper/container.


Yes, you can sometimes dispense with the extra wrapper div.

这完全取决于你的布局。通常以固定宽度为中心的设计,包装器是最有意义的。您还可以设置 body 标记的样式,但是覆盖和其他元素可能看起来不同或不完全填充屏幕,具体取决于它们的实现。

It totally depends on your layout. Often with a fixed width centered design, a wrapper makes the most sense. You can also style the body tag, but then overlays and other elements might look different or not totally fill the screen depending on their implementation.


Yes, but only if the layout requires it.


真的不是 body 真的是一个非常好的容器 wrapper 所以添加另一个是多余的。然而,在许多设计中,这是一个必要的邪恶,这取决于所需的浏览器支持或所需的布局。如果对您的项目和布局有意义,请直接使用它。

Not really as the body is really a perfectly good container or wrapper so adding another one is redundant. However, it is a necessary evil in many designs depending on browser support needed or the layout that is needed. Go ahead and use it without concern if it makes sense for your project and layout.


10-30 13:12