


I have a python script that I am running on a SLURM cluster for multiple input files:


#SBATCH -p standard
#SBATCH -A overall 
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00
#SBATCH --output=normalize_%A.out
#SBATCH --error=normalize_%A.err
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=20
#SBATCH --mem=240000


norm_func () {
  local file=$1
  echo "$file"
  python $NORM_SCRIPT -data $file -path $OUTPUT_DIR

# Doing normalization in parallel
for file in $HDF5_DIR/*; do norm_func "$file" & done


The python script is just loading a dataset (scRNAseq), does its normalization and saves as .csv file. Some major lines of code in it are:

        f = h5py.File(path_to_file, 'r')
        rawcounts = np.array(rawcounts)

        unique_code = np.unique(split_code)
        for code in unique_code:
            mask = np.equal(split_code, code)
            curr_counts = rawcounts[:,mask]

            # Actual TMM normalization
            mtx_norm = gmn.tmm_normalization(curr_counts)

            # Writing the results into .csv file
            csv_path = path_to_save + "/" + file_name + "_" + str(code) + ".csv"
            with open(csv_path,'w', encoding='utf8') as csvfile:
                writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',')
                writer.writerow(["", cell_ids])
                for idx, row in enumerate(mtx_norm):
                    writer.writerow([gene_symbols[idx], row])

对于10Gb以上的数据集,我一直收到step memory exceeded错误,但我不确定为什么.如何更改.slurm脚本或python代码以减少其内存使用量?我如何才能真正找到导致memory问题的原因,在这种情况下,是否有特定的调试内存的方法?任何建议将不胜感激.

I keep getting step memory exceeded error for datasets that are above 10Gb and I am not sure why. How I can change my .slurm script or python code to reduce its memory usage? How can I actually identify what causes the memory problem, is there a particular way of debugging the memory in this case? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



You can get refined information by using srun to start the python scripts:

srun python $NORM_SCRIPT -data $file -path $OUTPUT_DIR


Slurm will then create one 'step' per instance of your python script, and report information (errors, return codes, memory used, etc.) for each step independently in the accounting, which you can interrogate with the sacct command.


If configured by the administrators, use the --profile option to get a timeline of the memory usage of each step.

在您的python脚本中,您可以使用 memory_profile 模块来获取有关内存使用情况的反馈您的脚本.

In your python script you can use the memory_profile module to get a feedback on the memory usage of your scripts.


09-16 05:59