

我已经在使用 rtsp协议在Windows应用程序和Silver-light Web应用程序上流式传输视频。我使用 Live555库构建了rtsp服务器,它连接视频源和与不同用户(客户端)的多播。

I am already using rtsp protocol to stream video on windows application and Silver-light web application. I have built rtsp server using Live555 library, which connects with video source and multicast with different users(clients).


But now I want to stream video source in web browser to replace silver-light component. So please some one can help me to do this on web browser.

在网络浏览器上进行rtsp视频流是否有任何标准方法/解决方案?请帮助我在网络浏览器上通过tcp套接字进行视频流传输。目前,我正在使用 rtsp over tcp protocol 进行视频流播放。

Is there any standard way/solution to do rtsp video streaming on web browser? Please help me for video streaming over tcp socket on web browser. Currently, I am using rtsp over tcp protocol for video streaming.



  1. 为live555服务器编写插件,将RTSP流转换为RTMP。然后将RTMP流式传输到Web浏览器。从使用Flash播放器的Web浏览器打开RTMP流。

  1. Write a plug in for live555 server which converts RTSP stream into RTMP. Then stream RTMP to web browser. From web browser using Flash player open RTMP stream.


Use third party server (e.g. wowza) which take RTSP stream from live555 as a input and stream out as RTMP. From web browser using Flash player open RTMP stream.

最近live555开发人员在库中添加了webrtc流。您可以将此功能用于Web浏览器流式传输。 。此功能流直接指向Web浏览器。但是你需要兼容webrtc的web浏览器(例如firefox,chrome,opera)。

Recently live555 developer has added webrtc streaming in library. You can use this feature for web browser streaming. live555-webrtc-demo. This feature stream direct to web browser. But you need webrtc compatible web browser (e.g. firefox, chrome, opera).


I personally used second option as a web browser streaming solution.



10-12 20:18