

有没有人有在整个数据库中搜索给定值的好方法?我有一个我正在寻找的特定字符串,它在 TableA 中,它也是其他一些表 TableB 的 FK,但我不知道那是哪个表/列.

Does anyone have a good method for searching an entire database for a given value?I have a specific string I'm looking for, it's in TableA, and it's also a FK to some other table, TableB, except I don't know which table/column that is.


Assuming there's a jillion tables and I don't want to look through them all, and maybe will have to do this in several different cases, what would be the best way?

由于我不想要 Code-SQL 桥,所以我唯一的全 SQL 想法是:

Since I didn't want a Code-SQL bridge, my only all-SQL idea was:

select tablename and column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS

...然后使用游标浏览所有列,对于 nvarchar 的所有数据类型,我将执行动态 SQL,例如:

...then use a cursor to flip through all the columns, and for all the datatypes of nvarchar I would execute dynamic SQL like:

SELECT * from @table where @column =  @myvalue


Needless to say, this is slow AND a memory hog.




Here are a couple of links talking about how to do this:


Both of them use the approach you were hoping to avoid. Refine them so that they only searched columns that were foreign keys should improve their performance by eliminating the searching of unnecessary tables.


09-09 20:34