本文介绍了Node.js SSL服务器冻结,高CPU,没有崩溃但没有连接的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I hope anyone could help me with this issue.

在我们公司,我们正在建立一个连接到Java Push服务器的nod​​e.js服务器。

In our company we are setting up a node.js server, connected to a Java Push server.


I'm using https module instead of http and SLL certificates.


The connection between node and clients is made by socket.io, in server and client.

同时node.js服务器是java服务器的客户端,这个连接使用常规套接字(网络) .connect)。

At the same time the node.js server is client of the java server, this connection is being made with regular sockets (net.connect).


The idea is that users connect to the server, join some channels, and when some data arrive from java server, this is dispatched to the corresponding users.

一切似乎都运行正常,但过了一段时间,就像随机一样,有450到700个用户,服务器的CPU达到100%,所有连接都坏了,但服务器是没有坠毁。问题是,如果你去浏览器中的https:// ...,你没有得到404或类似的东西,但SSL连接错误,它真的很快。

Everything seems to work fine, but after a while, like randomly, having like between 450 and 700 users, the server's CPU reaches 100%, all the connections are broken, but the server is not crashed. The thing is that if you go to the https://... in the browser, you are not getting 404 or something like that but SSL connection error, and its really fast.


I tried to add logs everywhere, but there's not something like a pattern, its like random.


If anybody have the same problem or could bring me a clue, or a tip to debug better, I'll appreciate anything.




Okay, the problem is solved. It is a problem that will occur in every Linux server. So, if you are working with one of these, you need to read this.


The reason was the default limit of files the Linux server had per each process.


Seems that ever single linux server comes with this limitation of 1024 files opened by each process, you can check your limit with:

# ulimit -n


# ulimit -n 5000 (for example)


Each socket creates a new virtual file.


For some reason my server was not displaying any error, the server just got frozen, stopping the log and no signal or evidence of anything. It was when I set up a copy of the server in another machine, when it started to send

warn: error raised: Error: accept EMFILE
warn: error raised: Error: accept EMFILE
warn: error raised: Error: accept EMFILE


Be careful because if you are not root, you will only change this for the current session and not permanently.


Trick: If you want to cound the number of files, in this case, the number of files opened by your node process, take note of your process id and call this command.

# ls -l /proc/XXXXX/fd | wc -l

其中XXXXX是进程ID。这将帮助您了解这是否是您的问题,一旦启动节点服务器,您可以使用此命令检查它是否到达顶部,并在冻结后停止增长。 (默认为1024或ulimit -n)。

Where XXXXX is the process id. This will help you to know if this is your problem, once you launch your node server, you can use this command to check if it reaches a top, and it stops growing after it gets frozen. (by default 1024 or "ulimit -n").


If you only want to check which files are open by the process:

# ls -l /proc/XXXXX/fd


Hope this can help you. Any way if you are setting up a node js server I'm pretty sure you want to do that to be sure it won't melt.

最后如果你需要帮助在将来没有日志的错误中,您可以尝试 strace ing或 dtruss ing过程

Finally if you need help in future errors without log, you can try to straceing or dtrussing process

# strace -p <process-id> 


这篇关于Node.js SSL服务器冻结,高CPU,没有崩溃但没有连接的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

11-02 13:32