


How can I implement the following in my application?
We have a room and is available in 3 types. First there is the food that is fed into the room. The second current is fed from the first. The third eat from frist current fed. They can control each other.
It needs to be concurrent.
They must use the same algorithm without the knowledge of each other!
they life relate to another!


    Action      Room A            Room B         Room C
                 full              current=5a     ---
     C increases current
                 full              current=?      ???

and so on

In each tick:
    > Iterate each element in the simulation:
        * The element calculates it's pending new value based on its inputs
          (which are probably derived from the current states of other 
          elements in the simulation.
        * The element caches this value (keeps it private).
    > Iterate each element, again:
        * The element sets its publicised value to be the value it cached
          in the earlier iteration




In your example, a room is an element in the simulation. Rooms (as far as I can tell from your description) publish how much ''food'' they contain. They also are aware of one or more other rooms (inputs).

Note that if one room eats from another the gain (in one room) and loss (in the other) of food are values to be accounted for in the calculated value that is cached in the two rooms; until the second iteration across all elements NO element updates its current state.

Have fun. Writing simulation systems is often very rewarding.


09-21 02:17