本文介绍了从Ubuntu移除anaconda R的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直在使用ipython Notebook运行一些R脚本.现在的问题是我的Ubuntu 14.04上有两个R版本.一个是/home/MYNAME/anaconda2/bin/R上的R.3.2.2,另一个是我在R studio中需要的R,现在的问题是我只想在系统上使用R.3.3.1,因为我需要完成一些高级任务.

I have been using ipython notebook to run some R scripts. Now the problem is I have two R versions on my Ubuntu 14.04.One is R.3.2.2 at /home/MYNAME/anaconda2/bin/R, another one is the R which I need for R studio, now the problem is I want to only use R.3.3.1 for my system as I need some advanced task to be done.

我使用conda uninstall r,运行此命令后,根据打印输出,删除了许多与R相关的软件包,如果我再次运行conda uninstall r,则表示

I use conda uninstall r, after running this, according to the print out, a lot of R related packages is removed, if i run conda uninstall r again, it said

Fetching package metadata .......
Using Anaconda Cloud api site https://api.anaconda.org
Solving package specifications: ..........
Error: no packages found to remove from environment: /home/MyName/anaconda2

但是当我再次运行Which R时,它仍然是anaconda R,如果我在终端中运行R,它仍然是R3.2.2,有人知道如何删除此anaconda R版本吗?

but when I run Which R again, still it is the anaconda R, if I run R in the terminal, it is still R3.2.2, anyone knows how could I remove this anaconda R version?


您可以尝试conda uninstall r-base,这将删除R和所有R库.

you can try conda uninstall r-base, this will remove R and all of the R-library.

这篇关于从Ubuntu移除anaconda R的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-26 18:29