本文介绍了Spring Framework TEST RESTful Web服务(控制器)离线,即没有服务器,没有数据库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a very simple RESTful Controller that consumes and produces JSON. I need to test this controller offline i.e. no server running, no database running. And I am going nuts for not being able to find a solution. My intial test cases will include:

  • 测试REST URI,即GET,POST,PUT,DELETE-我必须能够根据发送的数据声明返回的数据.
  • 声明将测试JSON数据


  • /pcusers-返回所有用户
  • /pcusers/{id}-返回特定用户
  • /pcusers/create/{pcuser}-将用户添加到数据库
  • /pcusers/update/{pcuser}-更新用户
  • /pcusers/delete/{id}-删除用户


NOTE: This is NOT a typical MVC application. I DO NOT have Views. I have a pure REST controller that spits out JSON and consumes data in JSON format.


If someone could guide me in the right direction would be really appreciated.


Just to be clear how my code looks like:

public class PcUserController {
    protected static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PcUserController.class);

    @Resource(name = "pcUserService")
    private PcUserService pcUserService;

    @RequestMapping(value = "", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")
    public List<PcUser> readAll() {
        logger.debug("Delegating to service to return all PcUsers");
        return pcUserService.readAll();

    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET, consumes = "application/json", produces = "application/json")
    public PcUser read(@PathVariable String id) {
        logger.debug("Delegating to service to return PcUser " + id);
        return pcUserService.read(id);

    @RequestMapping(value = "/create/{pcUser}", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = "application/json", produces = "application/json")
    public boolean create(@PathVariable PcUser pcUser) {
        logger.debug("Delegating to service to create new PcUser");
        return pcUserService.create(pcUser);

    @RequestMapping(value = "/update/{pcUser}", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = "application/json", produces = "application/json")
    public boolean update(@PathVariable PcUser pcUser) {
        logger.debug("Delegating to service to update existing PcUser");
        return pcUserService.update(pcUser);

    @RequestMapping(value = "/delete/{id}", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = "application/json", produces = "application/json")
    public boolean delete(@PathVariable String id) {
        logger.debug("Delegating to service to delete existing PcUser");
        return pcUserService.delete(id);

更新(2/5/2012):经过研究,我遇到了一个名为 spring-test-mvc 的Spring框架.看起来非常有前途,我已经设法在这方面取得了良好的开端.但是现在我有一个新问题.当我向"/pcusers/{id}"提交GET请求时,控件将传递给负责处理该映射的 read 方法.在该方法内部,我有一个 pcUserService 进行读取.现在,问题是当我运行此测试时,真实控制器内的 pcUserService 实例为NULL;因此,由于无法在NULL对象上调用read而导致崩溃.

UPDATE (2/5/2012):After some research, I came across a Spring framework called spring-test-mvc. It looks very promising and I have managed to get a good start on this. But now I have a new problem. When I submit a GET request to "/pcusers/{id}", the control is passed to read method which is responsible for handling that mapping. Inside that method I have a pcUserService that does a read. Now, the problem is when I run this test, the pcUserService instance inside real controller is NULL; and therefore it ends up crashing as read cannot be called on a NULL object.

以下是 PcUserControllerTest 代码:

@ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath:/applicationContextTest.xml")
public class PcUserControllerTest {

    PcUserService pcUserService;

    PcUserController pcUserController;

    PcUser pcUser;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        pcUser = new PcUser("John", "Li", "Weasley", "john", "john", new DateTime());


    public void tearDown() throws Exception {

    public void shouldGetPcUser() throws Exception {
                .perform(get("/pcusers/" + pcUser.getId()).accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON))



Here is one suggestion that should give you some ideas. I assume that you are familiar with the SpringJUnit4ClassRunner and the @ContextConfiguration. Start by creating an test application context that contains PcUserController and a mocked PcUserService. In the example PcUserControllerTest class below, Jackson is used to convert JSON messages and Mockito is used for mocking.

@ContextConfiguration(/* Insert test application context here */)
public class PcUserControllerTest {

    MockHttpServletRequest requestMock;
    MockHttpServletResponse responseMock;
    AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter handlerAdapter;
    ObjectMapper mapper;
    PcUser pcUser;

    PcUserController pcUserController;

    PcUserService pcUserServiceMock;

    public void setUp() {
        requestMock = new MockHttpServletRequest();
        requestMock.addHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE);

        responseMock = new MockHttpServletResponse();

        handlerAdapter = new AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter();
        HttpMessageConverter[] messageConverters = {new MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter()};

        mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        pcUser = new PcUser(...);



Now, we have all the code needed to create the tests:

public void shouldGetUser() throws Exception {


    handlerAdapter.handle(requestMock, responseMock, pcUserController);

    assertThat(responseMock.getStatus(), is(HttpStatus.SC_OK));
    PcUser actualPcUser = mapper.readValue(responseMock.getContentAsString(), PcUser.class);
    assertThat(actualPcUser, is(pcUser));

public void shouldCreateUser() throws Exception {
    String jsonPcUser = mapper.writeValueAsString(pcUser);

    handlerAdapter.handle(requestMock, responseMock, pcUserController);


这篇关于Spring Framework TEST RESTful Web服务(控制器)离线,即没有服务器,没有数据库的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-15 16:10