

Microsoft JScript运行时错误:``ContentPlaceHolder1_GD_Prod_ctl00_ctl04_TxtPPort''未定义



I am getting this error when try to do calculate textbox values in grid.
Microsoft JScript runtime error: ''ContentPlaceHolder1_GD_Prod_ctl00_ctl04_TxtPPort'' is undefined

Any help is appreciated. Here is my code.

client code:
function Total(TxtPPort, TxtBFPort, TxtLOPort, TxtTSPort) {
var TxtPPort = document.getElementById("TxtPPort");
var TxtBFPort = document.getElementById("TxtBFPort");
var TxtLOPort = document.getElementById("TxtLOPort");
var TxtTSPort = document.getElementById("TxtTSPort");
TxtTSPort.value = parseInt(TxtPPort.value) + parseInt(TxtBFPort.value) - parseInt(TxtLOPort.value);

vb code:
Private Sub GD_Prod_ItemCreated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.GridItemEventArgs) Handles GD_Prod.ItemCreated
If TypeOf e.Item Is GridDataItem Then
Dim item As GridDataItem = DirectCast(e.Item, GridDataItem)
Dim T1 As TextBox = TryCast(item.FindControl("TxtPPort"), TextBox)
Dim T2 As TextBox = TryCast(item.FindControl("TxtBFPort"), TextBox)
Dim T3 As TextBox = TryCast(item.FindControl("TxtLOPort"), TextBox)
Dim T4 As TextBox = TryCast(item.FindControl("TxtTSPort"), TextBox)
T1.Attributes.Add("onblur", ((("Total(" + T1.ClientID & ",") + T2.ClientID & ",") + T3.ClientID & ",") + T4.ClientID & ")")
T2.Attributes.Add("onblur", ((("Total(" + T1.ClientID & ",") + T2.ClientID & ",") + T3.ClientID & ",") + T4.ClientID & ")")
T3.Attributes.Add("onblur", ((("Total(" + T1.ClientID & ",") + T2.ClientID & ",") + T3.ClientID & ",") + T4.ClientID & ")")
End If
End Sub


function Total(TxtPPort, TxtBFPort, TxtLOPort, TxtTSPort) {
var TxtPPort = document.getElementById("TxtPPort");
var TxtBFPort = document.getElementById("TxtBFPort");
var TxtLOPort = document.getElementById("TxtLOPort");
var TxtTSPort = document.getElementById("TxtTSPort");
TxtTSPort.value = parseInt(TxtPPort.value) + parseInt(TxtBFPort.value) - parseInt(TxtLOPort.value);

看那里.您将TxtPPort传递给函数,然后再次在函数内部创建var TxtPPort.


See there. You passing TxtPPort to the function and again creating a var TxtPPort inside the function.

You can use

function Total(TxtPPort, TxtBFPort, TxtLOPort, TxtTSPort) {
var TxtPPort = document.getElementById(TxtPPort);
var TxtBFPort = document.getElementById(TxtBFPort);
var TxtLOPort = document.getElementById(TxtLOPort);
var TxtTSPort = document.getElementById(TxtTSPort);
TxtTSPort.value = parseInt(TxtPPort.value) + parseInt(TxtBFPort.value) - parseInt(TxtLOPort.value);


instead. Try that

Microsoft JScript runtime error: ''ContentPlaceHolder1_GD_Prod_ctl00_ctl04_TxtPPort'' is undefined




So, this identifier is a source of some trouble; copy ContentPlaceHolder1_GD_Prod_ctl00_ctl04_TxtPPort and try to find in your code. No, it is not there! Error message shows it should be in your code, but you don''t show this part of code. How do you think anyone can find your bug?

I hope this simple idea helps you to find a bug without further help.


var gridID = "<%= GridView1.ClientID %>";
var grid = document.getElementById(gridID);
var RowCount = parseInt("<%= GridView1.Rows.Count %>");
var selection="";
for (var i = 2; i <= RowCount + 1; i++) {
    var rowID = gridID + ''_ctl'' + (i > 9 ? i.toString() : ''0'' + i.toString());
    var txt1= document.getElementById(rowID + ''_TxtPPort''); 

您在上面的代码中关心的重要部分是如何在gridview中创建控件的id rowID +''_TxtPPort''

Important part to your concern in above code is how the id for the controls in gridview is get created rowID + ''_TxtPPort''


10-28 00:29