


I've no idea whether there is any library for that, but using technique descirbed in article Eye-blink detection system for human–computer interaction by Aleksandra Królak and Paweł Strumiłło (you can download it here and here and here is some simplified version) in my opinion is a good option. Generally this technique is quite simple:

  1. 找到眼睛(或双眼)。记图像的这部分作为模板。

  2. 在下一帧使用某种corellation的(作者使用归一化互相关法,但你可以与其他类型的尝试 - OpenCV的有几种类型的相关方法来实现)找到类似的模板区域。与相关值最高(最有可能)将将眼球。

  3. 如果相关值> some_threshold_value比眼睛打开,否则关闭。

  1. Find eye (or both eyes). Remember this part of image as a template.
  2. In next frame use some kind of corellation (authors used normalized cross correlation method, but you can try with other types - OpenCV has few types of correlation methods implemented) to find region similar to your template. Place with highest correlation value (most likely) will be eye.
  3. If correlation value > some_threshold_value than eye is open, otherwise it is closed.


Threshold value used by authors is in the article, but when i was using this technique i've used other value so most likely you will need to find value for your case on your own.


09-15 09:45