本文介绍了我运行此命令时docker无法识别的服务sudo服务docker stop的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试将映像推送到我自己的docker注册表中.我收到无效的端点注册表错误.当我用谷歌搜索时,我得到了运行这些命令的解决方案.这是链接,当我尝试运行第一个命令时,即服务docker stop,我将始终得到服务无法识别.其他docker命令运行正常.我在Google上搜索了该命令,但获得的帮助不多.是否有人可以帮助我解决该问题?

i am trying to push a image to myown docker registry.I got invalid endpoint registry error.When i googled it i got solution of running these commands.This is the link Remote access to a private docker-registry when i try to run first command i.e service docker stop i will get always service is not recognised.Rest other docker commands run fine.I googled it but not getting much help.If any one can help me how to solve this problem?


service docker.io stop 是否正常工作?

Is it because you installed docker.io so the service is called docker.io?
Does service docker.io stop work?

有关如何操作,请参见 https://docs.docker.com/installation/ubuntulinux/以获得更新的版本.

See https://docs.docker.com/installation/ubuntulinux/ for how to get a much newer version.

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08-14 15:12