

我正在尝试创建一个Minio / S3容器,以便可以将我的测试套件作为对github的操作来运行。我目前有以下内容:

I am trying to create an Minio/S3 container so I can run my test suite as an action on github. I currently have the following:

,而不是卷配置。它似乎正在寻找名为 minio服务器/ data的文件而不是在shell中执行命令。这是 -entrypoint 标志的工作原理,原因是因为-entrypoint 需要一个文件(二进制文件或脚本)来执行,而不是带有参数的命令来运行,这似乎很难克服。如所示

The error is complaining about the --entrypoint "minio server /data", not about the volumes configuration. It seems to be looking for a file called minio server /data rather than executing the command in a shell. Here's a good explanation of how --entrypoint flag works, the reason is because --entrypoint requires a file (either a binary file or a script) to execute and not the command with arguments to run. It appears that this is quite difficult to overcome as seen here as well.

我唯一想到的建议是在 minio / minio Docker映像之上构建参数设置为 Dockerfile 并将其上传到DockerHub,以便您可以将其用作 image 镜像。

The only suggestion I would think of is to build on top of the minio/minio Docker image with the arguments set in the Dockerfile and upload it to DockerHub so you could use it as the image instead.

以下是示例 Dockerfile ,您可以使用:

Below is a sample Dockerfile you could use:

FROM minio/minio
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh", "minio", "server", "/data"]


08-04 11:40