

出蓝色的今天,我开始收到此错误在Visual Studio 2008中,当我去编译一个网站,编译类库是没有问题。我的项目是基于ASP.NET 3.5,另一个在2.0

Out of the blue today I started getting this error in Visual Studio 2008 when I go to compile a website, compiling a class library is no issue. My project is based in ASP.NET 3.5 and another in 2.0

  找到。 (从HRESULT异常:


I've tried uninstalling, reinstall .NET versions, service packs, etc... nothing in my searches have helped me.



Well after a day of frustration I figured out how to recover from this error. I have no idea why it happened, as I was fine at the end of the day yesterday and hosed at the beginning of the day today.


But I had to completely, and I stress completely, uninstall .NET. The normal uninstall leaves remnants of the install. However this page gives you a tool to completely uninstall .NET:

卸载.NET后,它会迫使你重新启动。然后进入到Windows \\ microsoft.net文件夹并删除(或重命名)的框架文件夹。最后,重新安装.NET和错误有望消失了你。

After uninstalling .NET it will force you to reboot. Then go into your windows\microsoft.net folder and delete (or rename) the framework folder. Finally, re-install .NET and the error will hopefully be gone for you as well.


05-25 01:15