

我在Web项目中使用扩展名为 .html.eco 的文件,并且尝试在Adobe Brackets中进行编辑,但是我无法指定将其视为HTML文件以提供编辑html文件的典型功能(例如颜色支持,语法等)。

I am using files with .html.eco extension in my web project and I am trying to edit in Adobe Brackets but I can't specify that it should treat this as HTML file, to provide the typical features of editing html file (like color support, grammar, etc.).

事实上,我注意到在更改 languages.json文件时这是可能的,但是我使用的是二进制版本,而不是从源代码构建的。

In fact I noticed that this is possible when changing languages.json file, however I am using the binary version and I didn't build from source.




Update: this is now much easier to do:

  1. 打开.html.eco文件

  2. 在状态栏中(下方-右),单击显示文本的下拉列表

  3. 选择 HTML选项

  4. 再次打开下拉列表,然后选择设置为默认值 op

  1. Open the .html.eco file
  2. In the status bar (lower-right), click the dropdown that says "Text"
  3. Select the "HTML" option
  4. Open the dropdown again and select the "Set as Default" option at the top



There's a backlog item for making this easily configurable (please upvote!), but in the meantime you can do it by writing a very simple Brackets extension:

define(function (require, exports, module) {
    var LanguageManager = brackets.getModule("language/LanguageManager");
    var language = LanguageManager.getLanguage("html");

  1. 将此代码放在名为main.js的文件中

  2. 在括号中,转到帮助>显示扩展文件夹

  3. 用户下创建一个新文件夹,然后放置其中的main.js文件

  4. 重新启动括号

  1. Put this code in a file named main.js
  2. In Brackets, go to Help > Show Extensions Folder
  3. Create a new folder under user, and place the main.js file inside it
  4. Restart Brackets


Here's more info on writing Brackets extensions, if you're curious.


10-19 06:19