本文介绍了正则表达式搜索html返回,但不是实际的html jQuery的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm making a highlighting plugin for a client to find things in a page and I decided to test it with a help viewer im still building but I'm having an issue that'll (probably) require some regex.


I do not want to parse HTML, and im totally open on how to do this differently, this just seems like the the best/right way.




Type something in the search... ok, refresh the page, now type, like, class or class=" or type <a you'll notice it'll search the actual HTML (as expected). How can I only search the text?

如果我做.text(),它将使所有HTML蒸发,我得到的只是一大堆文本,但是我仍然想要HTML,因此我不会丢失格式,链接,图像等.我想要就像CMD/CTRL + F一样.

If i do .text() it'll vaporize all the HTML and what i get back will just be a big blob of text, but i still want the HTML so I dont lose formatting, links, images, etc. I want this to work like CMD/CTRL+F.


You'd use this plugin like:




== UPDATE ==

虽然下面的Mike Samuel的想法确实可行,但对于此插件而言却有点繁重.它主要用于希望在表单的发布"过程中删除不良单词和/或MS Word字符的客户端.我正在寻找更轻巧的修复程序,有什么想法吗?

While Mike Samuel's idea below does in fact work, it's a tad heavy for this plugin. It's mainly for a client looking to erase bad words and/or MS Word characters during a "publishing" process of a form. I'm looking for a more lightweight fix, any ideas?



You really don't want to use eval, mess with innerHTML or parse the markup "manually". The best way, in my opinion, is to deal with text nodes directly and keep a cache of the original html to erase the highlights. Quick rewrite, with comments:

  $.fn.jhighlight = function(opt) {

    var options = $.extend($.fn.jhighlight.defaults, opt)
      , txtProp = this[0].textContent ? 'textContent' : 'innerText';

    if ($.trim(options.find.length) < 1) return this;

    return this.each(function(){

      var self = $(this);

      // use a cache to clear the highlights
      if (!self.data('htmlCache'))
        self.data('htmlCache', self.html());

      if(opt === 'remove'){
        return self.html( self.data('htmlCache') );

     // create Tree Walker
     // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/treeWalker
     var walker = document.createTreeWalker(
          this, // walk only on target element

      var node
        , matches
        , flags = 'g' + (!options.caseSensitive ? 'i' : '')
        , exp = new RegExp('('+options.find+')', flags) // capturing
        , expSplit = new RegExp(options.find, flags) // no capturing
        , highlights = [];

      // walk this wayy
      // and save matched nodes for later
      while(node = walker.nextNode()){
        if (matches = node.nodeValue.match(exp)){
          highlights.push([node, matches]);

      // must replace stuff after the walker is finished
      // otherwise replacing a node will halt the walker
      for(var nn=0,hln=highlights.length; nn<hln; nn++){

        var node = highlights[nn][0]
          , matches = highlights[nn][1]
          , parts = node.nodeValue.split(expSplit) // split on matches
          , frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); // temporary holder

        // add text + highlighted parts in between
        // like a .join() but with elements :)
        for(var i=0,ln=parts.length; i<ln; i++){

          // non-highlighted text
          if (parts[i].length)

          // highlighted text
          // skip last iteration
          if (i < ln-1){
            var h = document.createElement('span');
            h.className = options.className;
            h[txtProp] = matches[i];
        // replace the original text node
        node.parentNode.replaceChild(frag, node);


 $.fn.jhighlight.defaults = {



If you're doing any manipulation on the page, you might want to replace the caching with another clean-up mechanism, not trivial though.

您可以在此处查看代码: http://jsbin.com/anace5/2/

You can see the code working here: http://jsbin.com/anace5/2/


You also need to add display:block to your new html elements, the layout is broken on a few browsers.

这篇关于正则表达式搜索html返回,但不是实际的html jQuery的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

11-01 06:30