


So, part of the Json file is like this:

    "":"LJames"   <----------- look at this line


I am trying to parse this, and as long as the name field is there (without a name match with the value), the DataContractJsonSerializer will fail to read it.


Anyone has experience with this kind of Json file please share some idea, thank you.


您可以尝试使用 Json.NET 对其进行解析.它通常比DataContractJsonSerializer更好,并且具有更好的性能.我不确定这是否可以解决您的问题.

You could try using Json.NET to parse it. It generally works a lot better than DataContractJsonSerializer and has better performance. I'm not sure if that would solve your problem though.


If you think about it, what would the resulting object look like in C#? From a JSON string like this...

     "name" : { "first" : "James" }


...I would expect to map to a C# object with a "name" property, and that "name" property would reference an object with a "first" property (which would be a string, with a value of "James").

因此,如果删除键值"first",那么解析器将如何知道如何映射(或命名)该属性? C#中没有诸如无名属性之类的东西.

So if you remove the key value "first", how will the parser know how to map (or how to name) the property? There's no such thing as a nameless property in C#.


I would suggest reformatting your Json file (if possible) to look like so:

    "name": "LJames",


08-19 14:33